Maybe it is just me and the fact that I am a part of this group, but I haven't been able to find a good BBQ place I can oohhh and ahhh over in years. I have visited most of the places here in Chattanooga and I have not been satisfied, been to several places in the Atl area (but not Fox Bros yet; they have a good rep), Detroit and Toledo, OH, a couple places in the Charlotte area and in New Orleans (to be fair, when I am in NO BBQ is far down the list of what I want to eat) as well as a few other places. I went to Interstate and Rendezvous in Memphis years ago and I was impressed, but it is quite a drive to visit them. I am too far from TX and KC to just drop in and try some places. I don't think I was quite this picky before you people messed with my mind and taste buds. So my question is, am I alone in this? I'd hate to think my head has grown so big that I think my product is better that the "professionals".
Of course, depending on who you ask, the answer might be that my head is big anyway, and I think I know way more than I actually do about just about everything (you married guys will know who has that opinion).
Of course, depending on who you ask, the answer might be that my head is big anyway, and I think I know way more than I actually do about just about everything (you married guys will know who has that opinion).