Not sure how far their geographic reach is, but shoprite is having their twice a year sale 12/17 and 12/18 on rib roasts. The butcher was happy to give me a cryovac 7-bone CAB last Easter and it was indeed "1-PKG" for the sale.
Check your local stores. That's cheaper than Reg price top round. Stock up.
Last edited by gboss; December 11, 2021, 10:09 PM.
Reason: Edit: added sale dates in text.
Lonestar Grillz 24x36 offset smoker, grill, w/ main chamber charcoal grate and 3 tel-tru thermometers - left, right and center
Yoke Up custom charcoal basket and a Grill Wraps cover.
22.5 copper kettle w/ SnS, DnG, BBQ vortex, gasket and stainless steel hinge kit.
Napoleon gas grill (soon to go bye bye) rotting out.
1 maverick et-733 digital thermometer - black
1 maverick et-733 - gray
1 new standard grilling remote digital thermometer
1 thermoworks thermopen mk4 - red
1 thermoworks thermopop - red
Pre Miala flavor injector
taylor digital scale
TSM meat grinder
chefs choice food slicer
cuisinhart food processor
food saver vacuum sealer
TSM harvest food dehydrator
Commenting on this to bring it back to the top of recent posts in case someone didn't see it before.
Sale starts tomorrow.
Somehow, I had mixed up the dates in my head. I thought it started today. Used my lunch break to go. Coworker who goes to a store closer to the office (I went to the one near my home) and tells me the sale starts tomorrow. Just as I'm pulling into the parking lot.
Upstate NY, by upstate I don't just mean 30 miles north of NYC ;-)
My current cookers include a Shirley Fabrication 24x36 patio model; Weber Performer with the Slow-n-Sear 2.0 & Drip & Griddle; Pit Boss Series 2 propane smoker & SnS Travel Kettle.
Straight Whiskey: I'm a bourbon guy. All time favorite Pappy Van Winkle 12 year. Standard go to Blantons
Blended Whiskey: James Oliver American Whiskey
I also enjoy an occasional cigar
Lonestar Grillz 24x36 offset smoker, grill, w/ main chamber charcoal grate and 3 tel-tru thermometers - left, right and center
Yoke Up custom charcoal basket and a Grill Wraps cover.
22.5 copper kettle w/ SnS, DnG, BBQ vortex, gasket and stainless steel hinge kit.
Napoleon gas grill (soon to go bye bye) rotting out.
1 maverick et-733 digital thermometer - black
1 maverick et-733 - gray
1 new standard grilling remote digital thermometer
1 thermoworks thermopen mk4 - red
1 thermoworks thermopop - red
Pre Miala flavor injector
taylor digital scale
TSM meat grinder
chefs choice food slicer
cuisinhart food processor
food saver vacuum sealer
TSM harvest food dehydrator
gboss Got one. 16lber. I helped the butcher a while back with his car so he gave me a CAB for price of the regular choice price. Total win win. 👍
And picked up a chicken for tomorrow nights dinner.
Last edited by Steve B; December 18, 2021, 03:46 PM.
I went to a couple local stores yesterday, saw one boneless in the case at $15.99/lb, passed. Went to Wally World, they had some fairly sad-looking boneless for $12.98/lb and some halfway decent bone-in for $11.98/lb. I picked up a 7+ lb'er and carried it around for a while before putting it back and just getting a fair-looking chuck for today - gonna do Mississippi pot roast. But I'm still thinking hard I need to go back and get that $80+ rib roast to do on Christmas. <sigh> Just burns me to pay that much for Walmart quality meat. <sigh>
Lonestar Grillz 24x36 offset smoker, grill, w/ main chamber charcoal grate and 3 tel-tru thermometers - left, right and center
Yoke Up custom charcoal basket and a Grill Wraps cover.
22.5 copper kettle w/ SnS, DnG, BBQ vortex, gasket and stainless steel hinge kit.
Napoleon gas grill (soon to go bye bye) rotting out.
1 maverick et-733 digital thermometer - black
1 maverick et-733 - gray
1 new standard grilling remote digital thermometer
1 thermoworks thermopen mk4 - red
1 thermoworks thermopop - red
Pre Miala flavor injector
taylor digital scale
TSM meat grinder
chefs choice food slicer
cuisinhart food processor
food saver vacuum sealer
TSM harvest food dehydrator
I picked up an Angus rib roast from my local Harris Teeter today for $8.99/lb. I plan to serve it New Year's Day. Should I freeze and thaw it or let it ride in the fridge?
I would trust it in the fridge. That said, my wife would want me to freeze it for a couple of days and we would argue. If the "sell by" date takes me to within 5 days of the cook date, she is OK with it.