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Do we think I can fool my wife (adventures in Wok'ing...)?

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    Do we think I can fool my wife (adventures in Wok'ing...)?

    So, my wife got me a wok for Christmas. She did some research, but, knows next-to-nothing about woks. (I know just a tad more due to Kenji and this site.)

    Some things are good about the wok....14", carbon steel at least, and flat bottom. After inspecting it, I could see the drawbacks. It is stamped steel and very thin. I thought I could make this could be a starter wok to see if I really could make wok cooking work for me.

    While doing the initial seasoning, it became clear this wok will probably end up killing me. It is literally dangerous to use.

    While the handle is securely fastened to the wok body, the handle is so thin that even a casual wok-like motion will cause it to bend. I fear it will break after just a few uses. Moreover, the place where the wooden part of the handle is secured to the metal part essentially failed during seasoning.

    I am really considering sneakily swapping it out with a quality wok. I don't think she'd notice. I've been storing it in the oven all this week and she hasn't gotten a good look at it. The box it came in doesn't even have a picture of the wok on it.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I am going to stand way off to the side and just observe


    • Allon
      Allon commented
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      I'm with you...

    • Draznnl
      Draznnl commented
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      Are you going to share the popcorn, ofelles ?

    • Jared49
      Jared49 commented
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      Yup, I’m with you. What’s with this “We” stuff?

    Could we have a peek at this jewel.


    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      I agree. Show us some pics Michael.

    I’d use it, break it, replace it. Let her know you appreciate the gift and it allowed you to grow as a cook and you are now ready for a more professional device.


    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      This is much safer advice than your plan Michael_in_TX

    Take it from someone who is an expert in relationships……🙄 Seriously, keep it out of view while you order a new one for yourself. Can you send it back to the seller for a refund?


      I’m with CHNeal Use it until it breaks. Use it to learn the ins and outs of wok cooking and to understand the things you need/want in your “forever wok”. Then step up to what you really want. No danger that way.
      Last edited by Jfrosty27; December 30, 2022, 05:46 PM.


        Swap it. A good wok is worth the risk. 😅


          No offense meant here but why sneak around? If it's truly a safety issue (from what you have described it is) I'd think she would appreciate the problem and not object to replacing it. A new and better wok is a whole lot cheaper than an ER visit due to hot oil burns.


            Alternatively, tell her as wu7y suggests. Then let her know you expect some sammiches while you wait for your new wok to arrive.


              I guess some picks would help. Here we go.

              Overhead view....

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG-6589.jpg
Views:	253
Size:	86.1 KB
ID:	1353523

              Here you can see the handle is relatively thin and flat. Flexes very easily.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG-6590.jpg
Views:	255
Size:	72.2 KB
ID:	1353522

              Closer view of the wood not being firmly attached. There is no screw or anything. You just push it onto a metal prone; it's held on (not very well!) by just friction.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG-6592.jpg
Views:	259
Size:	55.9 KB
ID:	1353521


                Take it from someone who has made several boat payments for lawyers. Be honest! She will understand and trust will grow stronger. Just do what you would want her to do in the same position.


                • hoovarmin
                  hoovarmin commented
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                  I just spit out my coffee. But ditto what CN said. This is the best option.

                Another option, if the wood attaching to the metal is the only issue, would be to drill a small pilot hole. through the metal and into the wood, then put in a screw. Do that from each side and it should be pretty secure.


                  Either way get a new one. That handle looks unsafe. Woks are cheap. Get one from the Wok shop.
                  Last edited by Old Glory; December 31, 2022, 12:04 PM.


                  • jfmorris
                    jfmorris commented
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                    Yep, I love my 14" flat bottomed one from the Wok shop, and second it. I got the one with the metal helper handle.

                  It would be a shame if it were to break from normal use and need replacement.


                    Be honest, return it and buy the one you know will work. Just buy her something nice and thank her for the thought



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