I've used many recipes from this web site. No complaint about the quality of the end-results. Universally I've had good results.
I've smoked a number of chickens in the past, but I've been asked to smoke a turkey this season. Having browsed your turkey page in the past, I knew where I wanted to look for details. Haven't made the gravy before so I was checking that out carefully. Got a good overview... Went up to the top for the ingredients, and there was something that surprised me. Talking about the spices, it was pointed out with one of them that if crushed too fine it could make the gravy cloudy. First thought: I'll just add it whole. Then I look at the measurements: Tablespoons (expected) and milliliters.
One of the problem with measuring uncrushed spices is that they don't pack uniformly. What I had expected when I saw you had a metric measurement was that it would be in grams or milligrams instead of a volume measurement.
This has to be a very low priority, but it would be nice to have weights for items that don't fit nicely/uniformly in a spoon or cup. I'm probably taking precision in cooking too far, but I haven't found a recipe yet that was ruined by too precise of measurements of ingredients.
Thanks much for the wonderful web site and I hope all our birds are wonderful.
I've smoked a number of chickens in the past, but I've been asked to smoke a turkey this season. Having browsed your turkey page in the past, I knew where I wanted to look for details. Haven't made the gravy before so I was checking that out carefully. Got a good overview... Went up to the top for the ingredients, and there was something that surprised me. Talking about the spices, it was pointed out with one of them that if crushed too fine it could make the gravy cloudy. First thought: I'll just add it whole. Then I look at the measurements: Tablespoons (expected) and milliliters.
One of the problem with measuring uncrushed spices is that they don't pack uniformly. What I had expected when I saw you had a metric measurement was that it would be in grams or milligrams instead of a volume measurement.
This has to be a very low priority, but it would be nice to have weights for items that don't fit nicely/uniformly in a spoon or cup. I'm probably taking precision in cooking too far, but I haven't found a recipe yet that was ruined by too precise of measurements of ingredients.
Thanks much for the wonderful web site and I hope all our birds are wonderful.