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Disappearing photos

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    Disappearing photos

    This has happened twice now, and I don't know if it's my pc or the site. I'm running win10 and chrome...

    Photos may or may not appear in a post, but will disappear after about 5 sec when they do show. If they are not there when I click on a post, they may appear when I refresh the page.

    I don't know how to do a screen shot, but here's what I see when the photos don't show, (from the current SUWYAC thread):

    Club Member
    • Joined: Jan 2016
    • Posts: 391
    • Location: Upstate NY, by upstate I don't just mean 30 miles north of NYC ;-)

    Top | #238
    Today, 09:12 AM
    After some prodding by some pit members about getting my new SnS Travel Kettle dirty after l this post, I did a couple cooks on it this weekend. I will write up a separate post with my initial thoughts, but over all it is a versital grill.

    On Friday night I made some Korean BBQ King Salmon. Next time I will follow my own instincts rather than the recipe as I charred the flesh side more than I like. Lucky the salmon came out fine in the donesss dept, but much of the flavor was missing.

    Yesterday I cooked a small (half?) rack of pork ribs from a small farm near my daughter's place in NH. I finished them with the maple syrup galze from the free site.
    Attached Files
    I get the location instead of the dots and the photos showed in this post for 1 - 2 sec before turning into dots...

    Photos are showing now??


    • HawkerXP
      HawkerXP commented
      Editing a comment

    I’ve noticed the same thing - on the same post you are showing as well - if I remember over the last week or so, It seems to be when they are attachments and not imbedded into the post? At least from what I have noticed.


      Here's another one. A while ago was trying to upload some photos, and I kept getting an error message that says "the file extension is not compatible with the content." I'm uploading a jpg, there is no such issue. First guess was that it was really related to filesize, and sure enough, below 5 megs, no problem, above 5, you get this message. NOT "your file is too large." For your situational awareness (and I'm sure the filesize limitation is written down in the site guidance somewhere, but I didn't remember that.)


        I have investigated and cannot find any issues. I suspect either a temporary server issue or maybe cache.

        Please let me know if this continues. I will dig deeper.


        • RonB
          RonB commented
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          Thanks fer lookin'.

        Just testing

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DE89C39D-1468-4C24-91AD-F22D6CF999B8.jpeg
Views:	236
Size:	76.7 KB
ID:	1154135
        Attached Files


        • Troutman
          Troutman commented
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          Mortza-rella...oh I get it (slaps his knee with glee). Like Wonder Woman and Serena Williams ...WonderWilliams?

        I wonder if the issue has to do with uploading but not explicitly inserting pics. In my previous post, I uploaded two pics but only inserted one (Silent Night). The other pic (not inserted) shows up as an "attached file" rather than being embedded in the post.
        Last edited by MBMorgan; January 4, 2022, 08:53 AM.


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          This happens a lot, folks not inserting just attaching them and then abandoning them and posting. But this shouldn't affect it in this way.

        • MBMorgan
          MBMorgan commented
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          Huskee - Probably explains a lot of the complaints about not being able to control the order and placement of pics, too.

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          I think you're right. We do have a pic posting tutorial in the Help section, but alas, who reads directions?

        Originally posted by MBMorgan View Post
        I wonder if the issue has to do with uploading but not explicitly inserting pics.
        I considered that. It *should* work either way. But using the Insert feature is a cleaner method.

        I will do some testing and see if I can figure out what may have caused a problem.



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