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Possibility of a non search engine indexed channel?

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    Possibility of a non search engine indexed channel?

    What is the possibility of a special non search engine indexed channel?
    We have, and have had in the past, members who are going through some trying times that they share with the group. Our hearts go out to them, and we want to do anything we can to support them. Unfortunately those posts are broadcast to the world and forever indexed outside the Pit for anyone to see.

    It would be nice to have one channel where we can handle these types of posts without the whole world accidentally stumbling across them because of ambiguous search terms.

    My query is directed to Meathead and the IT staff. Thanks for all you do.

    Now that you mention it, another forum I am on allows their on-topic channels to be web-searchable, but not their off-topic channel.

    Google is pretty good about obeying robots.txt, I wonder if "/forum/pitmaster-general-discussion" could be easily added as an exclusion?


    • Michael_in_TX
      Michael_in_TX commented
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      Good point! I forgot we are a subscription service lol.

    • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
      ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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      pkadare I like that best, don't mind my cooks showing up on google but not a huge fan of some of the other stuff being public.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      I’ll be damned if I want just anyone out there having my Texas Clam Chowder recipe!

    Love it when you guy's speak Greek 😊


      This is a good thought. Anxious to see if it is possible.


        I think blocking the off-topic channel would be a great idea, plus it would ensure that any AR posts that end up there would be on brand and BBQ focused.


          First and foremost. Any channel can be made private to members only. This will prevent Google or other bots from access. As well as the general public.

          Just for info, the robots.txt file system is seriously flawed as it does not block anything. It just tell bots (indexers, search engines, etc) what you prefer. They are fine to ignore it at any time.

          Case in point. did this a few years ago. They no longer honor robots.txt.


          • Donw
            Donw commented
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            Thanks for chiming in Ray. I personally understand it is in the best interest to get our information out across the search engines to drive interest in the site. Just hoping we can fashion out a little slice to keep some personal items tucked away from outside eyes. I know it would be appreciated by subscribers who feel so comfortable with the site that we can share our personal issues with our on-line family. Anything you can would be welcome.

          I 5th or 6th or whatever this for Off Topic. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this did help SEO a little as zero_credit mentions since it's, well, off topic. Currently there are about 6100 results for posts in that forum channel (


            I will see if I can get the ok to add a "Members Only" section.


            • rickgregory
              rickgregory commented
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              Why not just do this for off topic? By definition the entire sub site is members only so a section called that feels confusing. Just hide off topic from search engines.

            • raywjohnson
              raywjohnson commented
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              There is no built in way to set permissions for a single topic. Custom coding would be needed to make that happen. Sections (i.e. categories) and channels can be created, and the permissions set, easily.

            • rickgregory
              rickgregory commented
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              My concern would be that people will still post personal stuff in Off topic since, as a description, that's where it should go. Of course, if OT was moved to a new channel... that solves that.

            Thank you Ray for your efforts on making this happen.


              I have asked Ray and Huskee to come up with a plan.


                ... Click image for larger version

Name:	image_160688.gif
Views:	337
Size:	28.6 KB
ID:	1135919


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image_160689.gif
Views:	334
Size:	936.4 KB
ID:	1135922


                    Can’t believe this….I googled "authentic Texas clam chowder"….look what showed up on the first page Probably been thousands of people who have been making this recipe since then. 🙄

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	1432D849-842D-446D-A3EB-016E6039FEEE.png Views:	0 Size:	185.3 KB ID:	1135931
                    Last edited by Panhead John; December 2, 2021, 02:49 PM.


                    • Donw
                      Donw commented
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                      Congratulations on making the first page! You probably also have a following on Facebook and Instagram you didn’t know about.🙂
                      However this is exactly an example of why I keep telling my wife to stop just picking up random recipes on the internet and trying them.

                    Well, I did a search for Panhead John's paper plates Panhead John
                    Attached Files


                    • Panhead John
                      Panhead John commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Damn man! When I searched it, I had first post, I’m finally gaining ground on my arch rival Dixie!

                    Attached Files


                    • Panhead John
                      Panhead John commented
                      Editing a comment


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