Finally, after over a year without visitors, our children and grandchildren are now starting to visit. Since one of grandsons is also bringing along his university girlfriend who is a vegetarian I decided to cook Steve Rachlien’s vegetable paella for her. I wanted to cook it on my LSG Santa Maria, but I have the argentine style grates which are slanted, however with a little jerry rigging I think I licked the problem. After doing some messuring came up with the solution.
1. Remove the full upper shelf from my Yoder 640
2. Cut and drill some 1.5†iron angle to attach to the rear of the shelf with a few spare bolts and washers. Found I didn’t even need to remove the iron when fitting it back for use in the Yoder.
3. While the shelf doesn’t slide when moving the pan around, unfortunately s**t happens, so as a preventative measure I wanted some clamps or stops that would easily attach to the grates. The solution was spare timer trippers I had in a drawer.

1. Remove the full upper shelf from my Yoder 640
2. Cut and drill some 1.5†iron angle to attach to the rear of the shelf with a few spare bolts and washers. Found I didn’t even need to remove the iron when fitting it back for use in the Yoder.
3. While the shelf doesn’t slide when moving the pan around, unfortunately s**t happens, so as a preventative measure I wanted some clamps or stops that would easily attach to the grates. The solution was spare timer trippers I had in a drawer.