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Anyone Familiar with These

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    Anyone Familiar with These

    I follow Food and Wine on FB. This came through. Any thoughts or opinions on these books. One seems more like a text book in the description. Not going to make a decision based what is the article.

    Nope, took a look-see, I'm good.


      Hmmm, can’t say that I’m familiar with any of those. :-/


        Hey RichieB I know of Jim Lahey and Chad Robertson. What’s your end game? Are you a beginner or looking to refine skills?
        as you can see by the title, lahey is the "no-knead" guy. I’ve tried a few recipes and they do turn out. Robertson is lots more advanced, imho. I have not seen the others, but if a book has a James beard award, I will definitely not discount it. Clear as mud, huh?

        if you are a beginner, try lahey. If you are more advanced do Robertson.

        currently, I am having a lot of fun with Make Ahead Bread by Donna Currie. She writes for SE sometimes. I also hang on every word that Peter Reinhart writes. The Bread Bakers Apprentice - advanced baker says me. And I have made every dough in American Pie at least three times. Granted it’s pizza, but it’s still working dough.


          Lahey is good if you are just beginning. If you want to make better bread and sourdough especially, Tartine explains technique
          really well and has good recipes. I have made two breads from Living Bread and that is about all I would do out of that book,
          too many hard to find ingredients.

          My favorite book is not in that list, Flour Water Salt Yeast by Forkish. I have made 90% of those breads and they all are fantastic
          and within reach even for a beginner.


          • SheilaAnn
            SheilaAnn commented
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            That book is on my wish list!

          Lahey and Tartine are both well known, very good books. I second Mark V on Flour Water Salt Yeast by Forkish. what are you looking for in a book? How experienced are you?


            Thank you for the input. My baking started about March this year. What a coincidence. I'll call myself a moderate novice. I'm not a nerd so the science for baking is not a priority. I want relatively easy bakes. I enjoy the process. 80% of my bakes are King Arthur recipes. I'm fortunate to be about 2 hours from their VT. location. Can't wait to get back there. Looking to expand a bit on process, method and recipes. I'm doing at least two to three bakes a week. Giving away to neighbors and local family. So thought a book might help me expand. I'm on Kindle and Nook so digital books are OK.

            Happy New Year!


              I looked at Living Bread. It's good but it's no Flour Water Salt Yeast which is by far my favorite.



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