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EX 4

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    EX 4

    Is there a chart showing duel consumption per hour at various temps? Consumer Reports claims 4.8 lbs per hour for the EX 6, but they don't mention temps at all. That has to be nuts! I'm looking at the EX 4, but not with duel consumption along those lines! They also said the grill comes with stainless grates, which is dead wrong. sure can't rely on them.

    Originally posted by zinfella View Post
    Is there a chart showing duel consumption per hour at various temps? Consumer Reports claims 4.8 lbs per hour for the EX 6, but they don't mention temps at all. That has to be nuts! I'm looking at the EX 4, but not with duel consumption along those lines! They also said the grill comes with stainless grates, which is dead wrong. sure can't rely on them.

    Weber replied to my email inquiry saying:
    "For low and slow temps, you'll go through about 1-2 pounds an hour. For higher temps, 500°F plus, you'll go through an average of 3-5 pounds per hour of smoking."

    What's holding me back from the SmokeFire is the necessary clean-up routine. It looks nearly identical to my Bull gasser in that regard. I need something easier to maintain at my age and condition. Maybe a GMG Dan'l Boone Prime Plus, but I'm not yet committed to anything. and I have my Weber kettle.
    Last edited by zinfella; November 2, 2020, 12:44 PM.


    • zinfella
      zinfella commented
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      Need to ask Max if that steak he seared in his EX 4 review was reverse seared, or if he cooked it start to finish at the SF's high temp, with frequent rurning?

    I'd suggest disposable drip pans be your friend to resolve the cleanup issues.


      If you keep grease out of the bottom the SmokeFire it is actually easier to clean than most other pellet grills. Every few short cooks or 1 long one. Remove 1 grate and stack it on other side side, pull one flavorizer bar and push the ashes into pan below through slot using the plastic scraper Weber provides. Repeat for other side. Check drawer every so often and dump into trash when full. Probably once every 60-80 pounds I vacuum it out to clean more thoroughly.

      On the GMG every 20-40 pounds, you remove all grates, drip try, and heat shield, then vacuum out whole interior and fire pot, line drip tray with new foil and reassemble.

      Neither is hard to clean. The Weber will probably burn 10-25% more pellets due to its design. The GMG will be a disappointment for searing if you want to be able to do that, but might be slightly more convenient if you only want to smoke, but will have less smoke.


      • zinfella
        zinfella commented
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        So no SF concerns now?

      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        For me, no. Since I got my WSCG (Weber Summit Charcoal) I’ve said if I could only have one grill it would be the WSCG. With the SmokeFire, I’m getting to the point I’m not sure I will keep saying that. I can make just as good of food on the SmokeFire with a lot less work...and the WSCG isn’t really that much work.

      • zinfella
        zinfella commented
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        Thanks, Ive made my choice. Let's see what Weber offers for Black Friday. By that time the Gen 2 models should be in the stores for inspection, and maybe some reviews to look iver too.

      This stuff is turning out to be harder than Chinese arithmetic!

      All set to get an EX4 when they hit my store, notj'in would do me but to watch this month's Happy Hour, where my determination was transformed into "not so much", as I was drawn into the GMG Dan'l Boone Prime Plus, once again.

      Glitchy had me ready for the EX4, and I thank him for his help, but the GMG has pushed it back to second place, at the Clubhouse Turn, as we head into the Black Friday finish line.


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        What great breakthrough did GMG suddenly have?

      Actually, the smokefire, NOT for me due to hot embers on the deck, and other negative reviews.


      • zinfella
        zinfella commented
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        I don't actually need a pellet grill, I just wanted one. Anything that a pellet grill can do can be done on my Weber kettle, albeit with more work. OTOH, my kettle has yet to have an auger jam, need a fan replaced, or have issues with it's firmware/software.

        Hmmmm, I'm probably a luddite at heart anyway..........

      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        bbqLuv I have a concrete patio so I don't watch that too closely, but occasionally do see at least burning ashes coming out of the bottom. Seems more like just that, very small ashes/embers that die about immediately after hitting patio and usually only see those when trying to crank it to 550+.


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