Fired up my Traeger Timberline 850 today, the temperature is 28*F outside, got up to 350* in 20 minutes.
Maybe cold outside, but not too cold for BBQ. The best part, WIFI, monitor cook, and temp from inside the house.
I always feel like I'm almost cheating when I'm sitting on my sofa and monitoring a pellet pooper cook on wifi. Fortunately, it is only an almost. Not enough to get me to stay outside for a whole cook.
Gee, DaveD, have I been wrong all these years? I always thought it was experimentalists who constantly tinkered at the edges seeking improvements and it was theoreticians who stay safely ensconced and never actually do anything.
Don't get me wrong @Drazznnl! We do in fact tinker incessantly and always seek improvements. But we do it in the fewest number of moves we can think of...! Every additional "thing" is another way something can go wrong... sort of, do everything that is necessary and nothing that isn't.
Last edited by DaveD; December 29, 2021, 04:29 PM.