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Charcoal Pellets

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    Charcoal Pellets

    I have been seeing more about charcoal pellets. Are people using charcoal for a different flavor or is there a different reason to use charcoal pellets?

    Welcome to The Pit.
    sorry, but I can't help 'cause I don't burn pellets.


      Welcome to The Pit. Someone will be along shortly to help you. You’ll be amazed at the amount of friendly and helpful people here…..and they respond quickly also. I don’t do pellets either or I’d be glad to help.


        I understand most folks blend charcoal pellets with a different flavor of pellets (say hickory) to add that charcoal flavor and mimic more closely a charcoal smoker. I do see Royal Oak has released 100% charcoal pellets recently, and there is a recent thread on the topic but no-one here has been able to try them out.


          I've tried many different wood pellets including the char pellets. My pallet must not be very good because I cannot discern the difference between any of the fruit wood pellets. I do believe I notice a slight difference between straight hickory and fruit but that may be just in my head. Of course mesquite has a flavor all its own.
          All that background to say I've not noticed anything special about the charcoal pellets in flavor but during the cook the smell of charcoal is prevalent.
          Not sure if any of this helps but that my 2 cents worth of information.
          By the way I now cook with 100% hickory.
          I would like to try oak because that is what I use in my KBQ and I love it but I've not seen it in any of my local stores.


          • Draznnl
            Draznnl commented
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            Have you looked for pellets on line? Amazon has a selection of oak pellets and you don't have to lug them home from the store.

          • hogdog6
            hogdog6 commented
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            Draznnl I do know I could get oak pellets from Amazon but pellets are kind of a impulse purchase for me. I do think now I've been inspired to order a bag to see what I think. Thanks

          Pit Boss charcoal pellets. Have to admit to missing my stick burner Weber flavor. But mixing the above pellets with any other hardwood flavor makes a phenominal combination. This makes my cooks at higher heats (600+ degrees) much more flavorful even with the shorter cook.

          Less than $9 at Wal-Mart. I pick up one bag a week now to mix with my Bear Mountain pellets.


          • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
            ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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            FYI the only true charcoal pellets on the market are the newly released Royal Oak ones. All the rest are blends and with minor exception I have never noticed any flavor difference between them and my regular pellets. I have observed better time to temp and recovery to temp when using them as a custom. mix with my favorite flavor pellets. I hope to test the 100% RO ones in the very near future.

          I have a bag of the Royal Oak 100% charcoal pellets, but haven't had a day off since I got them. Hopefully this coming Sunday I'll get a chance to try them out.


            Watching this thread with interest. What I have quickly learned is that the quality of the pellet effects the performance of the cooker more than the flavor. At least that is my experience. So far, I have had the best overall results with the Grilla brand pellets which are private labeled by another manufacturer, I am sure. I am also interested in RO as well as the Kingsford, but I have heard mixed reviews on both.


              I bought a bag of charcoal pellets from SmokeDaddy a couple of years ago. I was under the impression that the burned hotter, so flavor was not my goal in buying them. I tried them several times mixed with both 100% oak and either cherry or applewood pellets - don't recall. However, they did not add any appreciable high heat or flavor. Since my goal was to get a better sear on my pellet pooper, I did not pay much attention to the flavor. Not sure what that flavor charcoal is supposed to taste like, I'll admit.


              • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
                ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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                I don't recall, but I don't think I got hotter temps from charcoal blends before. (Royal Oak is the first 100% charcoal pellet on the market I thought?) What I did observe was even with them mixed with other pellets was a faster time to temp, and faster recovery to temp when doing stuff that required the lid to open and close a lot. (30 minute spritz routine, or stirring things like chili)

              I've used Royal Oak Charcoal pellets. Used in the RecTeq Bullseye. They were hard to start. It is pretty cool that they are waterproof. Tested that too and they really are. There was no distinguishable flavor, IMO. Friend used the RO Charcoal pellets in his Cookshack PG cooker. Reported wide temp fluctuation and no flavor.


              • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
                ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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                that's interesting on the flavor... I figured they had to have more charcoal flavor than the other brand blends. I never wanted charcoal flavor from my pellet grill anyway, but I do really like mixing in the blended charcoal brands with my favorite pellets especially for grilling. I was thinking these might be even better considering the price, and I might be able to reduce the ratio of these in my mix too?


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