"Lightly used MAK 1 Star General Pellet Grill and Smoker. My wife went vegan and it just doesn't get used anymore. Awesome smoker in excellent condition. New ones go for around 2200 if you can find one. "
Yeah, I guess they might have a gasser or something for that? At that price it's kind of tempting but I'm not looking to spend $1k on a pellet grill atm.
That's not a terrible deal for someone in the area, though I can't tell how old it is and if it will accept the newer flamezone, but I think it will since it has the built in upper rack slot. The $2.2K price on the new ones includes wifi and the flamezone.
If my wife went vegan shed be cooking her own meals. Nothing against vegan at all, dont get me wrong. When she was pregnant with out second kid we were both doing keto but she began to not be able to stomach the meals we typically cooked. Went right off fish, didnt like anything with a creamy base. I was cooking two different meals for a while before i gave up and just said ill eat whatever you are in the mood for.
Joe, it does have the old controller, so that you’d probably upgrade. It looks in awesome shape though. If you are serious, MAK is cool and if you get serial number from seller and call, people at MAK will tell you about the grill and what you can upgrade on it. I’d want to be sure it’s the model with the bigger cooking area, the 1 stars were smaller originally.