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LSG Pellet Smoker Now Available

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    LSG Pellet Smoker Now Available

    Here's Chris's video announcing it. All made in the USA, including the integrated FireBoard control system.

    They are shown as sold on the website but they've got a waiting list.

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Now we need for them to give one to Max Good for a proper review.


    • Max Good
      Max Good commented
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      I reached out to them previously and they declined to send us test models as they had difficulty keeping up with customer orders and routinely had long turnaround times.

    • jasoncross11
      jasoncross11 commented
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      I hope you are able to do a review. I don’t think that I will put down the money until you guys get a look at look at it.

    Man. Incredible. Seems like they thought of everything. They’re going to sell a ton of those.


      They have a waiting list pushing 450 folks between the 36" and the 42" models!

      Naturally several will fall out when they get the call to pony up. But that is more than a $1MM of sales if a high percentage step up coming out of the chute. I am thinking that Yoder may lose a part of their business on this one!


      • Jfrosty27
        Jfrosty27 commented
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        The lead time is probably already six months. 🤦

      I’d like to see a more in-depth video on how the hot air ignition works and how the cold smoke works. The video mentioned them but glossed over.
      My pellet grill is 3 years old and works great but this thing looks like a beast. And I would like to cook on something with thicker steel and fewer leaks than the one I have.


      • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
        ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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        The ignition (I assume) is the same as most other pellet grills have moved to. It's just a hollow ceramic tube with electrodes that warm it up and the grills fan blows the heat to the firepot. Ignition is crazy quick

      I love LSG products and have confidence in them but wouldn’t even consider buying one until regular customers have had some experience cooking on them and give their hands on reports.


        That is a fine looking grill. I little rich for my blood, but very nice!


          I hope for as long as he has been working on this most if not all the bugs have been worked out. All of his products are outstanding. My cabinet is rock solid putting out excellent food.
          If this had been available hen I got my Yoder, I would have gone with LSG.


            I'm going on Spring Break next week but will return at week's end. I'm long over due to go have an in-depth interview he's promised me for close to a year now on his new pellet. Delays in getting the controller, as well as Covid have been the reasons. I'm quite knowledgeable about the pros-cons of higher end pellets, I'll be quizzing him pretty hard.

            Stay tuned, old Troutman investigates soon !!!


              Hopefully I won't be in the market for another pellet pooper for at least 8 more years.


                Looks like a fantastic grill, only thing I don't like is the firepot being off to the side like Yoder, the useable direct grilling space would be less than half of your main grate real estate. I do really dig the idea of truly cold smoking in the main chamber, if it's just simple logic programming it would be nice if other pellet grills followed suit. The Firepot quick dump looks way better than what the other brands are doing, and of course it's more simple... looks like everyone else over thought the idea


                • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
                  ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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                  GolfGeezer because pellet smokers are not the best grills from the get go usually, you want to maximize the grilling space, when the firepot is offset it limits the grilling area to one side of the grill. On a kettle you get a lot more usable radiant heat so even though the area is small you can grill or sear a lot faster moving proteins around until everything has a good sear. But I do really like the charcoal basket option they have on the LSG so if you went that route it wouldn't matter

                • Alphonse
                  Alphonse commented
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                  My experience with my Yoder says that the heat deflector plate and all the forced convection via the combustion air fan even the temps out in the cook chamber.

                • ItsAllGoneToTheDogs
                  ItsAllGoneToTheDogs commented
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                  Alphonse I'm specifically talking about when grilling, the off center firepot in a few pellet smoker models works just fine for smoking.

                It is going to be interesting to follow this one. Thank you for sharing.


                  We're all watching closely!


                    Looks pretty awesome. Love LSG, Love Fireboard could be a real winner.

                    My biggest concern (besides being a new product) is rusting. The metal is heavy duty so the grill won't feel it but ascetics matter.


                    • Alphonse
                      Alphonse commented
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                      Yes, it will rust eventually and will require some paint from time to time. The biggest competitor in this weight class is Yoder and it too requires painting from time to time. My personal experience is that the LSG pit I own has better paint than my Yoder.

                    • Troutman
                      Troutman commented
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                      I’ve had a P&S pellet going on 4 years. It’s made entirely of 10 ga which is slightly less than 1/4” which LSG employs. I’ve had zero rust unlike a stick burner due to extreme heat. I wouldn’t be too concerned, 1/4” plate won’t rust through anytime soon.

                    • Bkhuna
                      Bkhuna commented
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                      I think ascetics would appreciate the way this cooker looks.

                    At the one minute mark in the video he made me chuckle when he tells us that they have two models - "the 20x36 inch and the 20x42 inch which is six inches larger".
                    I know most Americans suck at maths so I'm glad he did the calculation for us.


                    • Jerod Broussard
                      Jerod Broussard commented
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                      Kinda bummed he didn't dive into the sq foot percentage difference.


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