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Have you found the shelf for the Grilla Silverbac/Chimp useful?

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    Have you found the shelf for the Grilla Silverbac/Chimp useful?

    For those who have the Grilla Silverback and/or Chimp, have you gotten/wanted the shelf attachment?

    It's a little pricey ($85 for the Chimp), but it seems like it would be quite useful. Also, one video I saw of the Silverbac showed that with a full hopper, the entire grill can be a bit "hopper-side" heavy. It's in no danger of tipping over, but the video showed that if someone inadvertently leaned on the top of the hopper, it could happen.

    The Chimp (the model I am looking at) does have a lower center of gravity so this is much less an issue, but I'm thinking of getting the shelf just to mitigate that potential issue.

    I did not get the shelf, I use the top of the hopper, and I have a couple of cheap fold up tables I keep around to set stuff on. 85 bucks seems a little high for the shelf.


      Originally posted by klflowers View Post
      I did not get the shelf, I use the top of the hopper, and I have a couple of cheap fold up tables I keep around to set stuff on. 85 bucks seems a little high for the shelf.
      First off, thank you so much for replying to my posts over the past few days. Your actual experience with the Chimp has been invaluable!

      I'm on the fence. As Grilla does free shipping for anything over $50, and the shelf is clearly over that, I may wait. (Maybe only a week, but I may wait lol.)


      • klflowers
        klflowers commented
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        No problem, glad to help

      Here's hopin that whatever accessory ya buy fer ya Grilla, it works all kinda peachy-keen, hunky, and/or Dory, fer what ya had envisioned, Amigo...

      >>Disclaimer<< Reckon, truth Be Told, I don't know Spit bout no Pellet Cookers, but, it is in my General Nature to wish Other Folks the Very Best, in their Culinary persuits!


        I recently got the Silverbac. I did not get the shelf at this time. I am not sure how useful it will be given the width of it and I have placed a few things on the hopper as I need them. With the way my current set up is, I also have a table near the area I cook in. That said, I am sure that I will buy it at some time in the future. Probably a good Father's day gift for me! You ca never have too much when it comes to cookin!


          I don't have the front shelf but I wish I did. I have never noticed it being tippy with a full hopper, and I use the hopper lid as a shelf adding more weight. Not sure it's a realistic problem.


          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Interesting. I just had my hopper full Friday and set a pan on it with 3 large butts in it and it wasn't tippy. I wonder if they changed something from one model to another. What year is yours, do you know? BruceB

          • BruceB
            BruceB commented
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            Mine is one of the last of the original Silverbac model from the closeout sale last summer, single mode controller, and sitting on the cabinet with doors. The cabinet is the width of the firebox but the wheels are mounted a bit inboard, so the hopper and any extra weight on it can throw the CG well outside the wheelbase. Their All-Terrain leg kit gives it a wider footprint. Huskee

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Mine has the small casters, same cabinet.

          I like the shelf under a pellet grill very useful. Now that I upgraded to a Traeger Timberline 850 I ordered an aftermarket shelf for it. Has not arrived yet, but an email confirmed the order.


            I have the shelf. It’s one of those things that you don’t realize how valuable it is until you really need it or wish you had it. I have a Traeger grill at our lake house without a shelf. That grill was located on the grass without a table in sight. We did tomahawk steaks and corn and potatoes on it and only having the top of the hopper didn’t cut it. So when I ordered my Silverbac I didn’t blink about ordering it. Granted I do have some other tables I can use, on my inaugural smoke I did 3 racks of ribs and that shelf was the best option I had . I think it’s totally worth it. Although I will say that the instructions for installing it weren’t very helpful. Reminded me of the instructions on generic Legos. Luckily the YouTube video on their website is much better. And while it’s not 100% flat when I laid my level on it, it was still good enough and I haven’t had any issues with it. Ended up buying one for the Traeger as well.


              I have the shelf and find it quite useful when loading a brisket or several racks of ribs. Set the whole plate on it and load or unload without going too far or dripping grease on the patio pavers.


                Michael_in_TX So have you pulled the trigger? Of course you should get the shelf. But here’s an idea. They have a store here. If you pick up there, they save on shipping so they give you pellets, sauces, rubs etc. so...Road Trip! You could buy the shelf in person. Plus, you could buy me lunch while we discuss the virtues of various college teams. Or the other way around even.



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