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Grease bucket issue

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    Grease bucket issue

    Last year I upgraded my old Jim Bowie to a new prime plus model. Somewhere along the line, they changed the way the grease bucket hangs. Within the first week the wind blew the bucket off and made a heck of a mess. After the 3rd or 4th occurrence,I devised a little tab to hold it in place. Anyone else experience this?
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    Last edited by coolfins; February 6, 2021, 04:21 PM.

    Great idea.


      Once on the older model, but never again in about 3 years. I do keep it covered when not in use.


        - Do not have a GMG nor have I had an issue with my Holland or Phoenix Grills that use a grease bucked arrangement.
        - However for ease of cleaning the grease bucket I drop an empty butter/margarine tub into the bucket. When cook is finished I just put lid on and pitch it or if can be used for more cooks still put lid on until next cook. Keeps critters and flies at bay.
        coolfins BTW your tab modification is genius. Sure would get old cleaning up that spill routinely. Great Job!!!


        • jerrybell
          jerrybell commented
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          I do the same.

        • Mitchl
          Mitchl commented
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          Brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that. I just line w foil. Thanks for tip.

        Nice solution!


          So. I'm guessing this Jim Bowie is not a PBC. Yes?

          I must say you do have a super clean cooker / cooking area.


          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            Ahhh.. A GMG.

            A PBC is a Pit Barrel Cooker. A cooker who uses the drippings that fall onto the coals below to make a wonderful moist environment for the meat that is either hung on hooks or placed on a grate.

          • coolfins
            coolfins commented
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            Now that i see the add to the right for PBC, I realize what a dumb question that was LOL!

          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            Noooo problem. We all like to have fun here. But please make sure you share with some pictures!

          On my Rec Tec I use a Traeger pan liner on the drip plus I add a disposable cookie sheet directly beneath the food I am cooking. Makes cleanup very easy in fact nothing has ever dripped into my bucket in the 6.5 years I have owned the Rec Tec. Click image for larger version

Name:	RecTec w-drip tray.jpg
Views:	337
Size:	134.1 KB
ID:	985958



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