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Davy Crockett charing issue

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    Davy Crockett charing issue

    Hi all,

    Been a lurker on the site for a while, and posting for the first time! I have a GMG Davy Crockett and have been pretty successful using it so far. I just did one rack of spare ribs at 235 directly on the grates for about 5-6 hrs and the whole bottom got charred. I’ve had this problem before with a pork but butt directly on the grates, and I thought that was due to the grease not being positioned properly. However I just got a new grease tray that seemed to be working. Is this a common challenge with the Davey Crocket grates running to hot? I’m still a novice so could be user error but wanted to check if anyone had tips??

    thanks in advance!!!

    I don't have a pellet pooper but welcome to the talking side of the Pit!


      Welcome to The Pit. Sorry, but I can't help either.


        When I do low and slow on our pellet grill I use the upper level of grates. I think the main grates are too close to the heat deflector/ flavorizor/whatever you want to call it. That deflector gets too hot to be that close to it.


        • ebkarol
          ebkarol commented
          Editing a comment
          Thank you! I suspect this is the issue, I should get a thermometer to check the temp of the grates. I just got a second level insert I might try using that or an aluminum pan with a wire wack to keep the meat further from the heat.

        do you have another way of checking the chamber temperature? It seems odd anything would char at 235°


          I have a Davy Crockett as well. Because that tray sits directly on the diffuser over the burn pot, it does get quite hot. You need to calibrate the temp control, which is done by shifting the diffuser one way or the other and checking against an accurate thermometer. Ive seen my be off by as much as 75°. It’s possible you are actually cooking at a much higher temp that you think. Make sure the holes in the tray are closed, for smoking. Lastly, make a second rack, higher in the chamber. I make on with a cooling rack, with some carriage bolts for legs. It just sits on top of the regular grate. Or cook on a rack set in a cookie sheet.
          Last edited by SierraBBQGuy; November 20, 2021, 05:23 PM.


            Welcome from Virginia. I cook on a pellet cooker and just do not have this issue. But I am not familiar with the deflector on a Davey Crockett.


              Welcome from the Gulf Coast of Florida. I haven’t had this issue with my pellet pooper so no words of wisdom to add.


                I just happened to open up a pellet grill today at Lowe's, I don't recall the brand, but it had a water tray in the bottom with a stamped warning that it must be kept at least one half full to avoid threat of fire. Wow, I thought.


                  What SierraBBQGuy said. This happened to me a few months ago on my Davy Crockett. Specifically your diffuser plate may have shifted over to the left. I recommend trying to shift to the right as far as it will go. If it moves by half an inch that may solve your problem.


                    I've been using a DC for nearly 5 years and have not had this problem. Having said that I have become aware that the placement of the heat shield even by an inch or so can affect the cook chamber temperature in the DC. If you haven't already be sure the heat shield is all the way to the right as far as it can go. Also It will be worth your time on the slow cooks to be sure the holes in the plates are closed. I have the old style where each plate has holes and can be shifted to either open or closed. I also cover my top drip plate with foil. Makes it easier to clean and, for me at least, seems to even the cooking temps in the cook chamber. I also clean the chamber temp probe with steel wool before every cook. It can get gunky. You still might want to check temps at different places in the grates. Harbor Freight sells an inexpensive IR thermometer.

                    My only other suggestion is that I have never completely trusted the thermometers/probes which come with the DC. I use a ThermoWorks Smoke to monitor both the grate temps and the food temps.


                      Hello from NW Oregon, the birthplace of the Pellet Grills.


                        Welcome to the pit from Southeast Illinois.
                        Like others have said, check the diffuser alignment and I would give the temp probe a good cleaning.



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