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    *Your Member Benefits

    In addition to helping keep this site alive, we thank you with these member benefits designed to help you Be Amazing. Details are on this page
    1. We block all ads for members.
    2. This forum, lovingly called "The Pit" with great discussions and debates a zero flame wars.
    3. Community. You will make friends.
    4. Knowledgeable paid moderators able to help.
    5. Monthly drawings with first prizes worth from $1,000 to 2,000, second prizes worth up to $500, and third prizes worth up to $200. Your odds are 1 in 444 in a year.
    6. Sneak previews of Meathead's book in progress.
    7. Free Deep Dive Guide ebooks including chicken, ribs, sous vide que and more.
    8. Exclusive audio and video features including interviews with experts.
    9. Free comprehensive $10 Meat Temperature Guide with more than 80 temperature benchmarks.
    10. Three monthly newsletters, "Hot From The Pit", "Smoke Signals", and ""
    11. Sneak peeks at new articles, reviews, and recipes on the public part of the site.
    12. Free access to the monthly National Barbecue News magazine.
    13. Free access to Tailgater Magazine.
    14. Monthly live "Virtual Happy Hour" webinars.
    15. Special discounts from manufacturers.
    16. Meat-Ups with nearby members and occasionally 3-day conferences in places like the Bahamas and Memphis.
    17. Premium Members-Only recipes on the public site.
    18. Inspiring recipes from your fellow members.
    19. 24/7 hotline to advice and fellowship in The Pit.
    20. Cartoons!
    21. We donate a portion of your membership to Operation BBQ Relief and Global Alliance For Clean Cookstoves.
    If you have questions about how the Pitmaster Club works, click here to go to the Help channel which has answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
    Last edited by Meathead; November 9, 2020, 12:53 PM.

    I'm thrilled to be here, an honoured to be a part of all this, Meathead

    Many Thanks fer all yall do!!!!
    Laissez les bons temps rouler...


      I was just thinking this morning about what I've gotten for this membership over the past year. I discovered a dry rub I never knew and now use all the time, learned how to make great ribs, learned about reverse sear, discovered a great new grill (M16), got recommendations for useful accessories, got great links to YouTube videos and streaming shows, and got suggestions for rebuilding an old Weber grill with all parts provided at no cost after learning it had a 10 yr warranty. Most of all it's fun to connect with people with like interests all over.


        I echo all the previous sentiments! The team here is amazing, it feels like family​​​​​​! 🤗🤗🤗


          I don't know of any forum, other than this, that when I'm feeling a little down I can read and never feel a bit of animosity and feel happier about our species. Only once or twice have I noticed things turning into a range war and the mods tamped it down quickly before things got out of hand. That's the biggest benefit of all.


          • ecowper
            ecowper commented
            Editing a comment
            The smile when you spend 30 minutes here is awesome, isn’t it?

          • FireMan
            FireMan commented
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            It’s good ya kept it civil, cuz we wuz watching ya. Ya we wuz. 🕶
            Like the way ya cross yer paws.
            Last edited by FireMan; October 25, 2020, 06:44 PM.

          I can't say it any better than the posts above. This is some of the best money I've ever spent.


            As already stated this is a wonderful site! Thank you!


              Best 20 bucks I have spent since the last 2 dime.... wait, what am I saying???


                Love everything I have learned from this site! I had a friend looking to get into smoking and sent him here. The PBC he picked up came directly from the reviews here and he loves it.


                  I agree with everything except the highly knowledgable moderators! Hahahahahahaha. Now I can't to see which one of them will block me first. Actually, Spinaker paid me to write that.


                  • Huskee
                    Huskee commented
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                    I'll openly admit it's not me. I'm still trying to become Jerod & Spinaker when I grow up.

                  • tbob4
                    tbob4 commented
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                    Huskee - me too. I purposely rusted a Lodge pan just to see if I could restore it like Spinaker. Of course it’s still rusted. I went alligator hunting to be like Jerod. I was skunked because I spatchcocked the chicken bait.

                  Meathead I want to thank you for all that you and the amazing team of folks you have assembled do. I've most certainly enjoyed the community you have put together here, and the benefits I've received and the knowledge I have gained over the last several years are worth more than any membership fees I could ever pay. I just wish I had the time and money to try all the recipes I see on here - so many people are making so much amazing looking food, thanks to the recipes, advice, and science you have made available to us. Thank you so much!



                    Meathead You’ve got, well, an Amazing thing going on here.
                    My only question about this post is why?
                    We here already know all of the great benefits of being part of the Pitmaster’s club.
                    Just curious.
                    And believe me I don’t think I would change a thing.
                    You are da man!!!👊👊


                    • Huskee
                      Huskee commented
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                      He mentioned in another post that the survey results showed that LOTS of members were unaware of different benefits and were even unaware of our HOT From The Pit newsletter. Less than half ever open it. So, we need to remind less active members what we have here for them.

                    • Steve B
                      Steve B commented
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                      Aahh Huskee I just figured most everyone here already knew about all the great benefits.
                      It’s too bad that more don’t see and take advantage of all this wealth of information and knowledge.
                      So I guess it’s good to let everyone know about it. 👍

                    • Meathead
                      Meathead commented
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                      Yes. I will be posting the survey results soon, but that was somethin surprising. Many membeers did not know what they bought!

                    Well, I think The Pit is priceless...


                      Every thing about this operation is top notch. The reviews, the quality of the effort in all the cookin, the ingenuity & talent of the members is amazing, along with the diversity in the cultural aspects of some of the cookin. I am most glad to be here. Meathead , I love you man! (said with my best Maynard G. Krebs voice).
                      Last edited by FireMan; October 26, 2020, 03:07 AM.


                      • bbqLuv
                        bbqLuv commented
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                        Dobby Gillis, sounds more like Maynard G Krebs.

                      • FireMan
                        FireMan commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Yup, that’s what I meant, Maynard.

                      • bbqLuv
                        bbqLuv commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Long Live Maynard, in word and deed.

                      What a great community. Had no idea how much I didn't know about BBQ (and cooking in general) before becoming a member. My friends and family thank you!



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