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Any EOS users out there?

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    Any EOS users out there?

    Wondering if there are any EOS users in the forums. Let's share some pics you & me.

    If I ever win the lottery I'll have one.


      What's an EOS? Jim


        Expensive Offset Smoker


          one day i would love to.


            Someone on here as a Meadow Creek TS 250.

            If I had the money for one I would probably just buy more Pit Barrels or an insulated vertical smoker from LoneStarGrillz, which make nice EOS' also.


              Originally posted by Jerod Broussard View Post
              Someone on here as a Meadow Creek TS 250.

              If I had the money for one I would probably just buy more Pit Barrels or an insulated vertical smoker from LoneStarGrillz, which make nice EOS' also.
              Lol. I like playing with fire. I really think boftx would agree with me on that one, it's a rewarding experience stoking a bonfire and making food come out the other end. The opposite of PBC convenience and speed though for sure.


              • boftx
                boftx commented
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                Yeppers! We are definitely candidates for Pyros Anonymous (not that we would ever go to the damn meetings.)

              • Huskee
                Huskee commented
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                "Sorry I couldn't make it to the meeting, I had trouble getting the fire out..."

              • boftx
                boftx commented
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                "There'll be a campfire cookout after the meeting featuring hotdogs and s'mores!"

              I just got a new Meadow Creek TS120 with insulated firebox. I'm new to smoking, tried it out over a week of burns. Takes some serious getting used to, but finally figured out how to stabilize the temps and keep the smoke clean. It's definitely not idiot proof, but I got it bc I wanted to get into BBQ the old fashioned way. I'm sure I'll add ceramics and verticals to my collection in the future, but I wanted to start out throwing in logs and monitoring the fires.


              • Beefchop
                Beefchop commented
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                Wow, that's one heck of a way to get started! Jumping right into the big leagues. : )

              "Old Fashion Way" I love it. Does a Lang quaitfied as an EOS? There is nothing like smelling logs burning while cooking


                Originally posted by DWCowles View Post
                "Old Fashion Way" I love it. Does a Lang quaitfied as an EOS? There is nothing like smelling logs burning while cooking
                Lang? Well, it's no Yoder, but I agree, wood smokin' is something special.


                  DW, yes your Lang qualifies as an "Expensive Offset Smoker" and it is right up there with the Best.

                  Muttermuttermumblemumble I want a Lang!!


                  • DWCowles
                    DWCowles commented
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                    Barry, have you place an order for your Lang yet? Don't do what I did and wait till Spring before ordering it because I had to wait eight weeks before it was ready

                  • smarkley
                    smarkley commented
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                    Yeah... I know how you feel Barry. I want to be cooking on a Lang someday!

                  Hey guys, I'm having trouble keeping a clean fire on my TS120 offset. I get the fire started and let it run for 1 hour to get it clean, but every time I place a split on it (about every hour?), the smoke is dirty for 5-10 minutes.....which shows all over the food. I can't find any forums or references to help me with my fire management. Any thoughts? What am I doing wrong?


                  • tomtel84
                    tomtel84 commented
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                    Like DWCowles, I have found that good seasoned wood really helps and I keep the door open until logs burning. I additionally use Kingsford in conjunction with my wood that seams to level out the ups and downs as well as with ignition of the new logs. Lastly, I installed a pit viper blower from BBQ Guru the helps get more air in the firebox. I burn a lot more wood with the blower so that was a surprise and something to keep in mind.

                  I was having the same problem with my Lang and there was a couple of things that was causing it. (1) The wood wasn't season properly (2) Not enough air. When throwing in a log try leaving the firebox door 5-6 inches until log starts burning good. After my logs have season for 6 months or longer I don't have that problem anymore. Hope this helps you out ColdSteel


                    Wow, you guys are really experienced and it blows my mind that you will take time to answer my questions, love you guys for that. Feel like a little kid playing with my WSM, but it is still so challenging to me. I got mad respect for you guys!!!


                      What do you mean the 5-10 minutes 'shows all over the food'? as compared to what? I never notice such things so I'm curious. Agree with the above on seasoned wood and a hot fire. I have a post about seasoning your own wood too, using your smoker as a kiln when you're not cooking. Keep your fire hot. Sometimes a stickburner can't or shouldn't run down at 225 otherwise your fire is too cool and the smoke less desireable. Meathead even mentions that in his article on stickburning. I have little trouble getting a 225 degree fire, and with enough wood a hotter fire is easy too. You may find it helpful to keep your intake vents open more, and control temps with your chimney damper more. Maybe not, each cooker has it's own properties in that regard. Thankfully, a few minutes of grey smoke won't harm you too much. Each cooker is its own animal, so you have to learn what your machine likes to perform at. Your Meadow Creek will likely be different than my Yoder. The fun of it, IMO, is playing with fire and figuring it all out.

                      An accessory I HIGHLY recommend, and cannot live without now that I have it, is the BBQ Dragon. This little guy, at $50-60, is the single most important thing to me for a good hot fire when the fire just doesn't want to hold its own due to weather or wood. I recommend rechargeable batteries or even the recharge kit they sell as an add on.



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