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First Real Cook On The LSG

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    First Real Cook On The LSG

    I've been taking my time seasoning and setting the paint over the last several days, but today is my first real cook with the offset. As any stick burner already knows, fire management is key. This thing runs steady as a rock with minor adjustments, but if you miss the window to add fuel you are playing catch up for a while. With that said, this rig is very forgiving and VERY responsive to minor tweaks. And once it's heated up the temps stay pretty constant across the chamber varying 10-12 degrees from side to side.

    I do have the Fireboard fan for it, but I want to learn how to manage the cooker by controlling the air vent first. Other than adjusting the tuning plates it hasn't been a huge learning curve, yet.

    For my first round I'm keeping it simple. L to R: pork butt with MMD, 1/2 a brisket with Hank's Bonafide Beef Rub, and a pastrami. I think they're going to turn out pretty good.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1st cook.jpg
Views:	448
Size:	199.5 KB
ID:	1007803

    Looking good so far! I did 5 or 6 cooks in my cabinet manually to learn it before I used my Fireboard. I think it is important to learn. One day the power goes out or the controller dies you will be happy.


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      I goofed around a little with the fan a few days ago, but I think that's where my learning curve will steepen a bit. I'm sure I'll be asking for your advice in the near future.

    Byoooootful! I agree on the ketchup...I've found 1/2 chimney of lump can solve the problem pretty quickly. I've even toyed around with the idea of taking the fire grate out to slow down the burn rate of smaller coals. But then again...I just could be better with my timing on adding splits.

    What size splits have you been using? I can't remember, did you opt for the gas assist option?


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      I do have the gas assist but haven't used it yet. I start with a half load of KBB for now and will try the GA later. I'm making my splits about 3" x about 12"-14" and that seems to work well. I'm not timing it, but I add 1 or 2 every 30-45 minutes depending on the coal bed.

    • JakeT
      JakeT commented
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      CaptainMike I think the gas assist and the basket (like pictured in Alphonse picture) are my two favorite upgrades.

    • Loren
      Loren commented
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      The basket LSG makes is awesome - it definitely helped with consistency/repeatability for me.

    Now this is the good life!


      Lookin' good!


        Nice pit and nice cook!

        Are you planning to fuel with splits when you run it with the Fireboard/fan or with charcoal?


        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          I haven't given that any thought. I did try the fan a few days ago with splits and the temps seemed to fluctuate quite a bit. But then again, I have no clue how to manage the fan, got any advice?

        • Alphonse
          Alphonse commented
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          Mike, my experience on my LSG 20 x 42 says that what's really important burning sticks is to maintain a flame. That said, I have not found my Fireboard and a Pit Bull fan have helped in that regard. We need a "fire eye" control system for that! Flipside, I have had success burning high quality briquettes and/or lump. Here's a lengthy post on a test I did.

        I'd say "pretty good" is selling those beautiful hunks of meat way short. They look to be headed for smokey bliss.


          That sure looks pretty cool!


            I was wondering when we’d see your first cook. That’s a great start there Cap’n! That meat looks mighty fine. I had a couple of cheap offsets in the past, nothing even remotely close to your LSG. It was really satisfying taking a big hunk of meat out of it after an all day cook, and then seeing how good it tastes. You’re gonna enjoy the heck out of that thing. Congrats again.


            • CaptainMike
              CaptainMike commented
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              Thank you, brother, I'm really looking forward to the first tastes! Gonna do Eric's cheesy potatoes too.

            Looks wonderful!


            • CaptainMike
              CaptainMike commented
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              Thanks David!

            Looks amazing! Enjoy learning that cooker!


              Looking good CaptainMike . Looks like you're having fun getting to know your new LSG Cooker!
              Last edited by Skip; March 24, 2021, 05:18 AM.


                Nice Job, Cappy!

                Food looks Great, wait'll ya taste it!


                  Really nice first cook Mike.
                  Looks like you already got your basic learning curve in the books.
                  But than again you probably know more about fire and fire management than the rest of us.
                  Whoohoo. Now I need to get another cook going. 👍


                  • CaptainMike
                    CaptainMike commented
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                    Oh man, at this point I bet we could spend an hour or 2 talking about these cookers!

                  • Steve B
                    Steve B commented
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                    Anytime Mike. I'm not hard to reach.

                  Whohoo!!!! Call me the the Eric’s Cheesy potaters are ready. Outa go good with some of that leftover meat:


                  • CaptainMike
                    CaptainMike commented
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                    Oh yeah, them leftovers are gonna go great with them taters!! Plop a fried egg or two on top and we got breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner!

                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                    Wantin In on this Epic Meal!


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