Hi All, I've been cookin and smokin for a lot of years. I've owned a Brinksman bullet, an offset smoker, and a weber kettle w/smokinator, but just bought a Big Green Egg. I've done a bunch of cooks in this last month, some really good, and none real bad, but I'm looking forward to learning (and eating) more!
PS - No signature yet. Just call me Tech Challenged...
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Welcome to The Pit bubbabob! Glad to have you here, nothing wrong with being tech-challenged. If you need help (after reading the homework assignment linked below) just shout we'd be glad to set your sig up for you.
Also, it's very important that you add the domain AmazingRibs.com to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!
Thanks Huskee. I did read your post about setting up a sig, and I've been working on it for an embarrassing length of time now. I have one pic I'd like to post that I'll post here, and I also use a Weber Genesis 320, Maverick E733, and a Thermapen. I'd appreciate any help you can offer.
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Nice setup! If you want me to setup your signature, you can reply here with your stuff to include or PM me. Or if you're stuck on something in particular I can try to help.
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Large Big Green Egg, Weber Performer Deluxe, Weber Smokey Joe Silver, Fireboard Drive, 3 DigiQs, lots of Thermapens, and too much other stuff to mention.
Thanks you guys. Already love the egg. Doin 2 tri-tips tonight. I'll post a Q-view if I have the time. It's a birthday party for my wife so I will probably get sidetracked at some point. A martini will usually do that...
I got a large, BG. Seems big enough for my purposes. I also just bought a Smokin-it Model #1. I'm going to use it as a warming cupboard for the stuff I cook on the egg and then have to wait till guests are ready to eat, as well as using it as a smoker too. I think it will compliment the egg pretty well. I'm going to make some Buffalo Wings tonight with a little gadget I bought called the Thunderdome Vortex. I think I might be able to stay sober enough to take some pics. It's my first attemp using this tool so we'll all get to see the results 1st hand. I'll post it someplace appropriate.
John "JR"
Minnesota/ United States of America
******************************************** Grills/Smokers/Fryers Big Green Egg (Large) X3
Blackstone 36" Outdoor Griddle 4-Burner
Burch Barrel V-1 Karubeque C-60 Kamado Joe Jr. (Black) Lodge L410 Hibachi Pit Barrel Cooker Pit Barrel Cooker 2.0
Pit Barrel PBX
R&V Works FF2-R-ST 4-Gallon Fryer *******************************************. Thermometers
FireBoard (Base Package)
Thermoworks ThermaPen (Red)
Thermoworks MK4 (Orange)
********************************* Accessories Big Green Egg Plate Setter
Benzomatic TS800 High Temp Torch X 2 Bayou Classic 44 qt Stainless Stock Pot
Bayou Classic 35K BTU Burner Eggspander Kit X2 Finex Cat Iron Line FireBoard Drive Lots and Lots of Griswold Cast Iron Grill Grates Joule Water Circulator
KBQ Fire Grate Kick Ash Basket (KAB) X4 Lots of Lodge Cast Iron Husky 6 Drawer BBQ Equipment Cabinet Large Vortex Marlin 1894 .44 Magnum Marquette Castings No. 13 (First Run) Smithey No. 12 Smokeware Chimney Cap X 3 Stargazer No.10, 12 ******************************** Fuel FOGO Priemium Lump Charcoal Kingsford Blue and White B&B Charcoal Apple, Cherry & Oak Log splits for the C-60 ************************************************* Cutlery Buck 119 Special
Cuda 7' Fillet Knife Dexter 12" Brisket Sword Global Shun Wusthof ********** Next Major Purchase Lone Star Grillz 24 X 48 Offset
You got that right Spinaker. The blasted thing will burn your hand off if you don't wear a glove. The wings turned out great, BTW. Crispy skin, moist inside, and lots of flavor from the almond chunk I put over the Vortex. I fiddled with the egg dampers a bit to keep the temp around 365. Unfortunately, I didn't get but one pic before I got too busy with other things, so no Q-view again.