Hi folks, I'm Jon. I guess I'm now the newest new guy here. A few months ago I bought an old COS from Craigslist. Since I've had 0 experience in smoking, I decided to search online for general tips and instructions as well as mods to makes it better (I'm a tinkerer by nature, more on that later) and came upon this great site. Bad news for me that I already wasted my money to buy a COS, but the flip side is I paid way below retail and it's one of the larger older heavy gauge Brinkmann's so at least it wasn't a total loss. I've also got a small Weber Jumbo Joe that I recently picked up and and older charbroil gas grill. I love to cook and I make a pretty good burger or steak in a cast iron pan and a decent job on on the propane grill so now it's time to develop the charcoal and smoking skills.
I'm an IT guy by trade, serving 4 years in the Air Force as a satellite communications technician and now a full time network technician in the civilian world. Being in that role and wanting a break from the rat race has led to my wife an I to start our own homestead. We're renovating the house before we move in and we plan on having a small amount of livestock and and a decent garden in addition to the small orchard already on the property. I'm also a beginning beekeeper and hobbyist blacksmith and actively attend both guild meetings. Thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to learning more.
I'm an IT guy by trade, serving 4 years in the Air Force as a satellite communications technician and now a full time network technician in the civilian world. Being in that role and wanting a break from the rat race has led to my wife an I to start our own homestead. We're renovating the house before we move in and we plan on having a small amount of livestock and and a decent garden in addition to the small orchard already on the property. I'm also a beginning beekeeper and hobbyist blacksmith and actively attend both guild meetings. Thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to learning more.