I've been stealing from this site for a while now great methods of cooking. Then I ran across the forum portion by way of supporting the site. I would rather pay my part than steal so I joined up. Now I will just borrow your ideas. Thanks for sharing so much good info. I spend a lot of time on another site helping folks build smokers. I don't want to spam your site so there you go just a mention of it no link.
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Welcome to The Pit Rodcrafter! We appreciate your support. Thanks too for your consideration about spam but we don't consider legitimate, helpful links to be spam. We welcome any sharing you'd like to do with smoker projects, ideas, etc. As long as you don't use The Pit as a billboard, there's no harm done. Sounds like your talents will be appreciated here.
Welcome Rodcrafter! We're glad you're here. Share your other site, heck, sell your wares! Just make sure to comply with our guidelines, which you'll find while completing Huskee's homework assignment.
We don't sell anything here so you don't have to worry we'll get all fussy you're trying to take our business away. In fact, when they're is a great new product, gadget, gizmo, etc... we want to spread the word to all of our members so they can all benefit. The BBQ Dragon, as example, is probably one of the more recent products we really love.
By any chance are you able to work with stainless steel?
We have been helping lots of people build their own smokers, from UDS to the most awesome of builds. There is a pit calculator on the site to make sure it is built to draft correctly.
I don't like to use stainless on smokers because the seasoning on the walls and top of the smoker, doesn't want to stick to it. I don't want all that seasoning falling on top of my Q.
Welcome Rodcrafter and thanks for your support and consideration. We always want to read about smokers and modifications. That was a good tip about the stainless steel.
Gas Grill: NXR Tabletop/Portable Propane Charcoal: Weber Performer Silver (i.e., 22.5")
Charcoal: Weber OTG 22.5" Kettle Accessories: Slow 'n Sear, Smokenator and Vortex and bound to be more on the way Smoker: GOSM Propane 38" 2-drawer
Pellet: CampChef/Browning Deluxe PGP24LTD Thermometer: 2 Mavericks, Red backlit Thermapen
Anova Wi-Fi Sous Vide