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Scott Galt here

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    Scott Galt here

    I found … five or six years ago. With my experience in BBQ I learn something new every time I visit this site. Thanks for everything you guys do for our Great American tradition and it is my pleasure to contribute!
    A brief bio:
    I have had a love for barbeque since childhood. My mother bought my first charcoal grill at age 16 in 1973. Today I use a large BGE (purchased my first one in 1986) with the BBQ Guru’ DigiQ DX. My favorite meat to smoke is Boston Butts but I enjoy cooking the various cuts of pork, beef and chicken. My favorite beer is Moosehead. In 1973 I also started creating my own barbeque sauce, taking ten years to perfect. My first competition was May 1984 at the annual BBQ Cook-off in Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park. In eleven competitions (50 – 80 competitors) there we placed in the top ten nine times, including first place. February 1989 my Dad and I organized The Sauce Company, Inc. to sell the sauces.

    In nine months cooking the sauce went from 3 gallons at home to 360 gallons commercially.
    The name of the sauce was Georgia’s Gourmet Barbeque Sauce, with a hot version.
    Initially, sales were to delis, gifts and gourmet shops. In 1991, as a small company with desire for widespread distribution, we resorted to a specialty food distributor to deliver products to grocery stores. Being new kids on the block without deep pockets, The Sauce Company, Inc. was not able to break into the “good old boy” network. Best estimates, distribution was to 300 of their 1800 stores, despite high quality and approval for all their stores. It seemed that the only way to do business was to give free sauce to them and their stores (BOGO). In 1994 we shut the operation down until other opportunities were available.
    November 1995 the ABC News program 20/20 did an episode on slotting fees that Georgia’s Gourmet Barbeque Sauce and I were featured in.
    My passion is Barbeque my desire is to do what I love for a living. The last five years I’ve been in preparation to re-launch The Sauce Company, Inc. There are five products that will be introduced later this month (Aug, 14).
    Georgia’s Gourmet Barbeque Sauce™
    Georgia’s Spicy Hot Barbeque Sauce™
    Georgia’s Vinegar Barbeque Sauce™
    Georgia’s Vinegar Hot Barbeque Sauce™
    Georgia’s Gourmet Tomato Ketchup™
    My education and career for 41 years has been Steam Pipefitting, specializing in process piping. In 2005 I passed the State of Georgia’s Master Plumbers exam. For fourteen years I have been employed as a Maintenance Pipefitter at OFS Fitel’s fiber optics manufacturing facility in Norcross, Georgia.

    Welcome to The Pit! Hope to hear some of your favorite recipes!


      Any relation to John Galt?


        Welcome and good luck Scott!!!!


          Originally posted by FLBuckeye View Post
          Any relation to John Galt?
          Who is John Galt?


          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            No I seen the movie a few months back. I must say, strange but quite captivating, underrated IMO I really liked it. More so than the predecessor.

            Part II is the one I liked. I liked the actress playing Dagny much better in part II.
            Last edited by Huskee; August 2, 2014, 03:21 PM.

          • FLBuckeye
            FLBuckeye commented
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            Yes, "that"John Galt. Read the book several times; have not seen the movie. Hard to see how a movie could do justice to such an epic tome

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            They rarely do. But not having read the book I though part II was a good flick FWIW.

            The only movie I thought held to the quality of the book well was Pelican Brief. Although it got slammed by movie critic snobs, I thought it was a great book>movie transition.

          John and I think alike. If he is/was a real man I sure we are related.


            It was Huskee.


              Welcome (again) to The Pit Scott! Please take a moment to read my Welcome letter and Tips topics located here. Tip #1 will help you with filling out that Signature!

              Sorry we've bored you with Galt relation questions.


              • scottgalt
                scottgalt commented
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                Thanks for your help. Oh, as you can imagine those are frequent questions, not boring at all.

              • David Parrish
                David Parrish commented
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                I can imagine you get it all the time. That's why I feared we were boring you =)

              Sorry to hijack your thread Scott. We do that around here sometimes, bad moderators or something


                Originally posted by Ptrbve View Post
                Who is John Galt?
                I read the book five or six years ago. Never got to see the movies, though.


                  Hey Scott WELCOME


                    Welcome fellow Georgian! I will be looking for some of your sauce to try!



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