Hey there! Just joined the membership. Your countless suggestions, insight, and mythbusting articles has certainly improven my ability in the outdoor cooking realm. So much so that in my current search for my next house that an outside kitchen is essential.
Thank you so much. I support your site and your articles 100%.
Wow, good luck with the outside kitchen. My grandfather had a totally enclosed outdoor kitchen. It lacked the grills and what not of today, but he was till able to get a BBQ pit right next to the door.
Welcome to The Pit Tucker! It sounds like you're quite well read regarding the AmazingRibs site. When you get a chance, please take a moment to read my "Welcome and Guidelines from the Pit Boss" and "Forum Tips and Techniques" threads located here. You'll especially like Tip #1 which describes how to fill out your signature. Again, Welcome and we look forward to seeing you around!