Retired from IBM as a design engineer. Love cooking and eating and drinking! Used to have propane grills and got to the point where I hated them. Never cooked anything that we really liked and burned a lot of meats. When I first saw the Big Green Egg my wife said "We will never own something that looks like that." after the Green Egg was delivered 
and I did some tenderloin her whole attitude changed. Did a brine butt the other day and she must have said 5 times how good it was. Meals are just outstanding and I love working with "fire" again. It reminds me of when we were kids and put potatoes on hot coals and then dirt on top. Ahhhh......what a smell and taste. Nothing like food cooked on fire.
But one area that I haven't mastered yet is ribs which is why I joined. While excellent tasting the ribs are not "fall off the bone" yet. The problem is that while most recommend cooking for 5 or 6 hours my ribs are at 200 deg after only 3 hours using indirect cooking so I assume the collagen has not yet done its thing yet. I have used temps of 350, 300, and 250 deg and still the same. So this I need to learn what I'm doing wrong. Can't wait to try other recipes on this site.

But one area that I haven't mastered yet is ribs which is why I joined. While excellent tasting the ribs are not "fall off the bone" yet. The problem is that while most recommend cooking for 5 or 6 hours my ribs are at 200 deg after only 3 hours using indirect cooking so I assume the collagen has not yet done its thing yet. I have used temps of 350, 300, and 250 deg and still the same. So this I need to learn what I'm doing wrong. Can't wait to try other recipes on this site.