Great site. I have followed Meathead for 2 years and after my daughter gave me a Pitmaster Club membership I have spent over 3 hours reading exciting posts. Looks like I need a PBC from Santa. I send Greetings from NE Missouri.
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Greetings aolvet/Stockdoc. We're glad you joined us, thanks for the support! We look forward to your contributions, and some exciting posts from you too!
When you get a minute, check out Pit Boss' Welcome & Announcements channel, as well as the tips posts in that channel. These will help you learn your way around The Pit, as well as set up your signature. There's also a post that explains the best way to post nice big pics here... we like to see bragging pictures of your equipment and your cooks. We look forward to hearing more from you! Enjoy!
Yes Ernest, there is a Santa. Took your advice of Oct 16 and wrote Santa for a PBC, low and behold it will arrive this week, in time for Thanksgiving. Being a '38 model I have often wondered about Mr Clause. He is real!!
Thanks for your recommendation.
Welcome aolvet! We're glad you're here. When you have a minute, please check out the Welcome and Announcements channel. You'll see my welcome post, a tips thread (tip #1 is to die for) and a thread on how to post photos. They'll get you started right!