I just wanted to say hi, and thank you. While I'll mostly be a lurker I've already learned an enormous amount of things from this site. I felt this web site has saved many times over the cost of admission to this forum so I'm paying back a little and who knows you all might get me to try some ribs, brisket, or turkey. Even though I only have a gas grill.😳ðŸ˜Â. So with those thoughts in mind I'm going to sit back, sip my bourbon, read a few post, and let my 4 burner gasser indirectly slow cook my chicken breast while my potatoes crisp on the high burner. Again thanks to those responsible for this site in its entirety.
Hi, my name is Darrell. I'm an OTR truck driver for over 25 years. During my off time I love doing backyard cooks. I have a 48" Lang Deluxe smoker, Rec-Tec pellet smoker,1 Weber Genesis 330, 1 Weber Performer (blue), 2 Weber kettles (1 black and 1 Copper), 1 26" Weber kettle, a WSM, 8 Maverick Redi Chek thermometers, a PartyQ, 2 SnS, Grill Grates, Cast Iron grates, 1 ThermoPop (orange) and 2 ThermoPens (pink and orange) and planning on adding more cooking accessories. Now I have an Anova sous vide, the Dragon blower and 2 Chef alarms from Thermoworks.
Everyday, WELCOME TO THE PIT! The Way the WX Turned Perhaps You Should Have Left Yesterday? Enjoy the desert winter! ðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘Â🦃ðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘Â.
Eat Well And Prosper! Dan
Scotch: Current favorite- The Arran (anything by them), Glenmorangie 12yr Lasanta, sherry cask finished. The Balvenie Double Wood, also like Oban 18yr, and The Glenlivet Nadurra (Oloroso sherry cask finished) among others. Neat please.
About meReal name: Aaron
Location: Farwell, Michigan- near Clare. (dead center of lower peninsula)
Healthcare- Licensed & Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) at MyMichigan Health, a University of Michigan Health System.
Also, it's very important that you add the domain AmazingRibs.com to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!
Welcome Everyday. Hope you made it to Arizona before the storms back east.
FWIW, I got one of my customers to use my digital thermometer on his gas grill to make a couple of racks of St. Louis cut ribs. Told him he needed to keep the grill below 250, and to cook the ribs for 5 hours. Taught him the bend test.
He told me he normally only ate 1 or 2 ribs when he made them (family of 4). Asked him how many leftovers he had from the 2 racks and he said "none". I then asked how many ribs he had, and he told me he thought 11 or 12.
We'll still convince you (at least try) to cook with charcoal or wood, but you can get great Q from a gas grill provided you manage the temperatures.
Thanks jgg85234
Well I'm still in the cold east until after the holidays. My first order of business, after a few cooks just to break in my new grill and get used o it, is a couple of racks of ribs. Unfottunatlry I had he new built in grill done before I found this amazing site. If we find we like the slow easy flavor and texture a stand alone smoker could be on the horizon.
I did just order a thermopop, and alarm chef thermometer. Can't hardly wait to get to AZ and fire up that grill.
Welcome to The Pit Everyday ! Glad you're here. You can get some great cooks off of a gas grill. That's all I used for years. Be sure to read Meathead's article on two-zone cooking. Also, I learned how to cook with the rotisserie feature this year which has opened up even more possibilities. Good luck and have fun! --
jgg85234 didn't realize where you were from when I wrote that. Didn't figure you knew where Florence was. I have a couple nephews in Gilbert / Chandler area. I'm just learning the area. What kind of gas grill did you use for those many years? Sure wish I'd found this site before I built my grill wall, I'd have done a lot of things different. Ah well, something to build towards😀
Well, today marks 40 years since I arrived in Arizona. And, I've lived in Gilbert for almost 30 years of that. Population centers were a lot smaller then. Gilbert was only about 5,000 people when we built our house.
Been to Florence many times. Astronomy hobby has resulted in a lot of nights out in the desert at different locations outside of the Phoenix nebula. As a result, I pretty much know my way around all of Arizona, without even needing a map.
I didn't use a gas grill, always used a Weber kettle. Only on my second one in all those years, the first one got squashed between a bumper and a block fence back in 1988. For my whole life, I've figured that charcoal or wood was the only way to cook outdoors.
The customer of mine who had the gas grill just never realized how hot his grill temperature was until I showed him with the digital thermometer.
I never got ribs right on the Kettle either, until I added the Slow n Sear. We can experiment with rubs and sauces forever, but the real secret to getting tasty ribs is cooking them for a long time at low temperatures. And, just like anything else in this world, "you can't manage what you can't measure". Dome thermometers don't do a good job of telling you what temperature you're cooking at.