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GrandPa Rooster's BBQ Porch

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    GrandPa Rooster's BBQ Porch

    Hello everyone,

    Grillin, smoking and enjoying friends/family on the porch.

    Been smoking on a Weber kettle for about 20 yrs. After finding this site I ordered the Slow-n-Sear, this should save me a lot of setup time as I used aluminum foil in a similar fashion with a water pan. Have found many good tips on this site so far, and Meathead is correct about those awesome thermometers that come with the grills. Good for checking ambient air temperature within a +- 40 degrees range.

    Back to Iowa about 2 years now after a 3yr trip to Southern Cali. Rough, the apartments out there would not let me have charcoal so I used an electric smoker. Retired it when I got back home.

    Last winter's coldest smoking was 2 Boston's when it was 20 degrees below zero, why - just cause we could. No ice needed for the drinks.

    My youngest son took his 18" Weber to Iraq with him, many enjoyed meat cooked over a fire. They liked it so much he left the grill for others to enjoy when his deployment was over.

    Thanks for the website, have a lot to read and more to learn.

    Gpa-Rooster We are glad to have you hear. Welcome back to the Heartland!! Pass on our thanks to your son for his service to our country!!!


      Welcome, I never got to travel with a grill, that is pretty cool.


        Welcome Aboard Gpa-Rooster


          Welcome to the Pit, Gramps, I enjoyed your Cold WX Story! I have both Grilled and Smoked on Days that would freeze the Accesories Off a Well Diigger's A--! Dan, Fargo ND
          Last edited by Danjohnston949; September 16, 2015, 04:30 PM.


            Welcome to the Pit Gpa.😎

            "Grillin, smoking and enjoying friends/family on the porch." That's living the good life my friend.

            Tell your Son I say thank you for his service to our country our freedom and our safety.


              Yo PitG


                Welcome to The Pit Gpa-Rooster! Thanks for joining up with us. How are you liking your SnS??

                Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

                Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

                Hope to hear & see more from you!


                • Gpa-Rooster
                  Gpa-Rooster commented
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                  I am getting used to the SnS. Grilled a great steak Thursday, reverse sear. Today we smoke chicken breast and boneless pork chops. It is easier than building my usual aluminum foil walls, and a little easier to control the temp. I like the water holding reservoir. Also just received my Thermopen this week. I like how fast this ones reads a temp. I have been looking at this for a couple of months, after reading the reviews here I decided to get it and the lollipop. Looking forward to more recipes, have not tried the MMD yet. Many time just use Kosher Salt about 2-3 hours ahead of grill time then pepper before putting on grill.

                Welcome Gpa-Rooster. We're glad you're here.



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