I'm considering buying the Masterbuilt MB20051316or the Camp Chef Smoke Vault 24. How do people like their Master Built? What are your experiences smoking brisket? Ribs?
I have a Pit Barrel Cooker. I live in Oakland, CA and we have experienced many many of Spare the Air days due to winds carrying wild fire smoke that settles here over the past three years (6 weeks in a row last year). Am unable to burn charcoal or use a stick burner during those days. The extended fire season here is limiting the days I can use my PBC.
Last edited by Thomassen; September 6, 2021, 01:26 PM.
Ok folks, now, you know I am just window shopping here, but at some point this summer, I am going to add a "budget" smoker to my kit, as I have FINALLY cleared 3 cookers out of the backyard and off to the various kids houses as they got married and/or got houses all this year. I'm on tap to do pulled pork and pulled
Have had a Smoke Vault 24 since 2012 and am still very happy with it. Lots of space and it produces some fine smoked food. Temperatures are very stable.