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Weber acquires smart cooking startup June

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    Weber acquires smart cooking startup June

    Probably the wrong category but I thought this was interesting and wanted to share. I know nothing about June.

    TechCrunch: Weber acquires smart cooking startup June.

    Wonder if that oven only works one month out of the year?


    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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    • dtresca
      dtresca commented
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      As a Dad, I endorse this joke. Well done.

    My personal opinion as an ex territory sales person ( not a Weber or bbq). Weber should stick to grills, and actually start making them better. They need to avoid this segment, Find their hat and actually wear it well. They have lot’s of room to grow.
    Last edited by Richard Chrz; January 12, 2021, 09:12 PM.


    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      How about a Weber flat top or offset?

    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      Attjack , so, I think the fact I am seeing slow and sear being chosen, and honestly, I don’t think they deserved to be chosen, Weber. Needs to refocus on what they know how to dominate. Media should not drive mission - vision, it should drive media,
      Last edited by Richard Chrz; January 12, 2021, 09:11 PM.

    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      Richard Chrz not sure I follow the SnS chosen comment?

    I don't know anything about June either but I didn't realize they were behind Weber Connect and the Smokefire till now and I can see why it makes sense. Technology enhanced cooking either through pellet pooper or thermostat/fan combos with charcoal continues to gain popularity so it makes sense to get in on the action. He said the Weber CEO stated via an email:

    "He said he was a fan, he was a customer, and he couldn’t imagine a future without June technology powering every product in the Weber collection,"

    After SnS showed what a kettle can be I wouldn't doubt Weber starts putting fan ports on all their kettles and develops their own thermostat/fan combo. Maybe even a gravity fed charcoal smoker.

    It shall be interesting to see what unfolds!


      Know some of the designers in Silicon Valley behind June and their technology is pretty cool. A built in camera recognizes the food and cooks it correctly. June didn't do a good job on the SmokeFire software, but it's a way for Weber to gain software technology.


        Interesting read and one I would like to follow. I have to live and breath tech in my day to day. I try to avoid it as much as possible when I cook. I am a Weber fan and I own a Summit gasser, but I am not sure I like this direction. It appears to me that Weber is focusing on a different base.


          The "Winds of Change" are in the air. You may sail with the wind or be blown away. A company may make the finest Buggie Whips in the World, but we drive cars. Webber should have been a leader in the field of BBQ technology, not a follower.
          Another example, Big Box stores vs Amazon, Microsoft vs Apple. Who needs a copier when there was carbon paper.


            I look at it this way, those of us here have a decent idea how to cook. I have yet to use one of the cooking programs on the SmokeFire I have. I think there's a lot of people in the world that never learned to cook well and I think live off of take out, frozen meals, easy mac, etc. and embraces the technology to help them step by step. If you've seen my top secret post, you'll see step one for the gassers is just putting a Weber Connect on the grill. I personally don't need it, but am contemplating getting one because I like playing with tech stuff.

            However, take John or Jane Doe that isn't inflicted with MCS and likely thinks Fireboard is a gaming PC motherboard and they might think it's really really awesome to have this one grill with built in food temp monitoring that tells you when to flip your steak and when it's done. It might really help a couple neighbors that love serving charred-rare burgers.


              Originally posted by glitchy View Post
              I look at it this way, those of us here have a decent idea how to cook. I have yet to use one of the cooking programs on the SmokeFire I have. I think there's a lot of people in the world that never learned to cook well and I think live off of take out, frozen meals, easy mac, etc. and embraces the technology to help them step by step. .
              This perfectly describes a friend of mine who got the June oven and loves it. She's in her 50s, is bright and successful... and doesn't cook. The June lets her get fresh food, do a little prep and cook it well.

              The entire mindset is utterly foreign to me, but.. these people are out there.
              Last edited by rickgregory; January 13, 2021, 06:04 PM.


              • glitchy
                glitchy commented
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                What a time for all this tech in cooking growth too. Wish I had invested in it early as I’m sure with the pandemic a lot of people are seeing cooking as a needed skill again and I’m guessing it will continue to grow for some time.


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