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Gas grill choice for son?

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  • treesmacker
    commented on 's reply
    Update... my son took the Weber Spirit II E-310 home and did the conversion from NG to LP. It worked out fine and he cooked up three ribeye steaks for his Birthday. He's HAPPY!

  • jerrybell
    commented on 's reply
    I wanted to say, buy a Weber, you or your son won't be disappointed but you seemed to have a couple other brands in mind and were getting some good feedback from other owners of those. Good to see this is where you ended up. I have the Weber Genesis and it sits out through all seasons and weather types and just keeps on going.

  • treesmacker
    commented on 's reply
    Mark V Glad you didn't hurt yourself. I was lucky not to kill myself. Hit the tree and broke my knee and pelvis. Also, was lucky to fully recover, albeit with some hardware in my knee; it took me a good year for the recovery. BTW, I never could do those moguls either. It is fascinating to watch those Olympic skiers fly through them.

  • treesmacker
    commented on 's reply
    TripleB I was able to get a Weber Spirit II E310 for LESS money... see my post below...


  • Mark V
    commented on 's reply
    I have wanted to comment on your skiing pic. I had cross country skiid before, but not downhill. So first time downhill I went down an intermediate run trying to telemark turn which I wasn't good at anyway, rapidly went out of control, and heard from the chair lift overhead "there goes one". Once I accidentally ended up on a mogul run and flew by a guy picking himself up, totally out of control but still up, and he called out "hot dog". I wiped out shortly after that, I was terrified!

  • treesmacker
    Hi all,
    Thanks for all of your help with this. Here is how this is happening:

    Today, we went to Walmart to look at the Cuisinart version I mentioned above. They had some, but all were in boxes, so didn't get to see an assembled one. I'm sure it would be a good value if it is built anything like my Cuisinart 360 griddle.

    Next, we had to go to Home Depot for something and I decided to just see if they happened to have the Char Broil model I mentioned above. They didn't, but there were these Weber Spirit II gassers on the BBQ clearance isle; an assembled 2-burner and 3-burner models on display and also in boxes. The 2-burner was LP model while the 3-burners were NG. The 2-burner was priced $266 and the 3-burner $240. I did a quick search online and found NG to LP conversion kits for $55. So... I purchased the Weber Spirit II E-310 NG for $240 ($479 on Weber site) - brand new in original box. I'll order the conversion kit and have this nice gasser for my son at just $295, assuming the conversion works.

    So, has anyone here done a conversion like this? Seems simple to me - just change the orifices and screw the LP regulator hose in place of the natural gas hose. I'd like to know before opening the box if anyone thinks this is a bad (or good) idea.

    PS... I know this would void the warranty per what Weber says. I don't think that is a big deal as the Webers are repairable and parts are readily available.
    Last edited by treesmacker; January 13, 2021, 11:30 PM. Reason: Corrected Weber site price from $529 to 479

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  • TripleB
    commented on 's reply
    Timbo54 - my Silver A, like jfmorris is somewhere else going strong and right now I'm using a 2005 Weber Genesis Platinum that I got from my neighbor who discarded it after buying a new Weber Genesis. Totally rebuilt it and it works like a champ. Love Weber gassers.

  • Rocinante
    I was looking this past fall at the char- broil and Spirit. To me, the Spirit just didn't have that Weber feel to it. I stumbled upon a Napoleon Triumph and got that one instead. No regrets, it's a nice grill.

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  • Timbo54
    commented on 's reply
    I have a Weber Genesis Gold (2005) 3 burner. I use it as an oven with a 1/4 steel plate to bake fish, hot dogs, smash burgers etc... I 'm happy as to not heat up/ smell up the house . The rotisserie works great for chicken. It doubles as a flat top too. Parts are readily available. I think this would be a great starter if you were to find an older model and refurbish it for your son. Good luck with you decision.

  • bbqLuv
    Pellet Grill, Traeger.

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  • jfmorris
    commented on 's reply
    I too have a Weber Genesis Silver A 2 burner, made in 2002 - it lives at my daughter's house now, but is still going strong. In some ways I like it better than my newer Genesis II 4 burner.

  • TripleB
    My 2 cents. Buy a Weber. Bit more money, but good quality, great product support and easy to rebuild. I had a Char-Broiler when I first got was an inferior product. Will never buy one again. Also, would not bother with a side burner. Most of the time they are hardly used. Avoid the extra bells & whistles.

    Weber Spirit II, two burner would work fine as the first gasser for a young man. I still have my Silver A from 20 years ago and it is going strong. Let my son use it when he got an apartment when he got out of college. Weber 44010001 Spirit II E-210 2-Burner Liquid Propane Grill, Black: Garden & Outdoor

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  • Panhead John
    I had a Char Broil gas grill as well with the infrared. I had it for several years and was a pretty decent quality. I loved that infrared burner! I did a couple of rotisserie chickens on it and fed some family members. We all thought it was the best chicken I ever did. I can definitely recommend it! If it’s in the budget, I’d recommend getting the rotisserie for it also. I was very happy with that grill over all, in addition to the infrared feature.
    Last edited by Panhead John; January 10, 2021, 10:21 AM.

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  • Jfrosty27
    My son has the Char Broil three burner you mention. I had a two burner for a while. He loves his. I loved mine. The Tru Infrared really does work. Built well for the price point too.

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  • barelfly
    The first grill I ever had was a Char Broil. I used it for about 4-5 years until my wife got me a Weber gasser. I then took the CB to the lake house and we just go rid of it a year ago, which would have made it 20 years old. I live in the high desert, so it’s dry, but it was left uncovered all these years and still worked. I probably could have replaced the burners and cleaned it up a bit to get it working better, but my dad brought his 30-something year old Weber to the lake house as well. So, with two Weber’s, the CB was done.

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