I am sold on Modern Home Products WNK4 grill, one of the Platinum-rated grills, and am about to place an order. I need some advice. My choice is between their hybrid version, which has a separately controlled infrared grill that takes up about 1/3 of the grilling space beneath the hood, or the standard grill with their optional side infrared grill outside the hood. I would choose their "Sear Magic" grids with either option. I should say that grilling space is not much of an issue for me, as I would seldom cook for more than two people. I think the cost would be about the same. Two zone cooking can be done either way, though it seems to be important to cover up the infrared on the hybrid with an aluminum pan to prevent dripping on an unlit infrared. Any thoughts on this choice? A third alternative would just be the standard grill without any infrared - it would still allow two zone cooking and would be cheaper. I've attached pics of the two-control standard H burner, which would be the burner with the side infrared, the hybrid burner system, and the side infrared. Thanks for any help. 

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MHP WNK Grill - Hybrid vs Side Infrared
Club Member
- May 2019
- 1726
- San Clemente, CA
SnS Kettle
Napoleon 500 Pro gasser grill
Weber Slate 30” griddle
Gozney Arc XL pizza oven
Instant Pot Duo Crisper 8 qt
Cuisinart food processor
Kitchenaid Stand Mixer
Breville Smart toaster oven
Anova Sous vide (Pro version and Standard Version)
Cabella 15” Vacuum Sealer
Combustion Inc Wireless Probes (Gen2 upgrades)
Fireboard v2
Fireboard Spark
Fireboard Pulse (2) probes and S1G antenna
ThermoWorks RFX gateway and 2 RFX meat probes
Thermoworks IR gun
Thermoworks MK4
Thermoworks Zero
Thermoworks Signals
Grill Rescue brush
7 Shun knives (paring to 12" slicer)
Misen Chef's knife
Dalstrong Phantom Series Boning Knife
8-9 other knives (enough to get an eye roll from wife!)
2 Mandolins, 1 veggie spiralizer
Work Sharp E5 sharpener
Chef's Choice sharpener
And, cigars, wine and some good spirits!
After my experience with a Hestan Aspire that had a similar setup of two regular burners and 1 IR burner in the main cook chamber, I would definitely go with the external, side IR burner. No worries about how to do 2 zone cooking or getting drippings on the IR burner. I wish Hestan had this option as that may have led me to keep it instead of dumping it for a Napoleon with has a side IR burner.
Thanks for responding, Max. Since my original posting another question occurred to me about 2 zone cooking, and there's no one who can answer it better than you. In your review of the WNK with the H burner, you said the temperature range is 300 to 550. If I get the hybrid with the two oval burners and one infrared, would I be able to achieve a lower temperature 2 zone by lighting only one of the ovals and leaving the infrared and the other oval off? If so, that might help do "low and slow" cooks. Or would low and slow, like 225, be possible with the H burner also?
Club Member
- Mar 2020
- 4096
- Muskego, WI
Current cookers:
Recteq RT-700 "Bull" pellet cooker
Smokin-It model 2 electric smoker w/ Maverick 732 temp monitor and cold smoking kit
Weber Genesis 3 burner gas grill w/ rotisserie
Charbroil Grill2Go gas grill
Weber 22" Performer Deluxe kettle grill w/ThermoPro TP-20S temp monitor
Onlyfire rotisserie kit for 22" kettle
Weber Smokey Joe
SnS Deluxe
The Orion Cooker convection cooker/smoker (two of them)
Pit Boss Ultimate 3 burner griddle
Joule Sous Vide circulator
Thermopen original.
Too many miscellaneous accessories (grill pans, baskets, tools, gloves, etc.) to keep track of. 🤦♂️
Favorite beer: Anything that's cold!
Favorite cocktail: Bourbon neat
Club Member
- Aug 2017
- 7679
Primo XL
Weber 26"
Weber 22"
Weber 22"
Weber 18"
Weber Jumbo Joe
Weber Green Smokey Joe (Thanks, Mr. Bones!)
Weber Smokey Joe
Orion Smoker
DigiQ DX2
Slow 'N Sear XL
Arteflame 26.75" Insert
Blaze BLZ-4-NG 32-Inch 4-Burner Built-In
- With Rear Infrared Burner
- With Infrared Sear Burner
- With Rotisserie
Empava 2 Burner Gas Cooktop
Weber Spirit 210
- With Grillgrates
​​​​​​​ - With Rotisserie
Weber Q2200
Blackstone Pizza Oven
Portable propane burners (3)
Propane turkey Fryer
Fire pit grill
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