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Make Your Own Starter Cubes

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    Make Your Own Starter Cubes

    I just saw this page for the first time and thought the section on how to make your own starter cubes using leftover candle wax looked interesting. For those who have tried this, I would think this would leave a glob of melted wax in the grill after it burns down, no??

    When it comes to starting charcoal, there are several options out there. In this article, we weigh the pros and cons of each and give our recommendations for products.

    Use non-fat wax, no globs.


      Rumor has it that Panhead John makes them during his morning rituals. But you know how rumors get started. I suggest sending him a BM for further details (whoops I meant PM, my bad )


      • Steve B
        Steve B commented
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        I can send Panhead John a BM if it will help at all

      Save your paper egg cartons, fill each egg cup with shreddings from your paper shredder, and pour in the melted paraffin. Then cut the filled egg cups apart as you need them. One per chimney is typically enough for me. The whole starter burns to ash. No globs; just a well started charcoal fire.


      • MTurney
        MTurney commented
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        Great idea thanks!

      • holehogg
        holehogg commented
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        I do the same except use old cooking oil without the shredded paper. Think that addition will make it even more effective. Thanks.

      • Sam6687
        Sam6687 commented
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        similar to an old Boy Scout fire starter. fill the paper egg carton with dryer lint and then cover in the paraffin. works every time.

      Thanks for the idea. However, for $5 for 24 cubes I'll stick with the Weber starters. And another thank you for the reminder. I am almost out so I'm going to order a couple of boxes.


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        I usually add on a box every 2 or 3 Amazon orders, keep at least 3 or 4 unopened boxes at all times. We use them camping to light bonfires too. Them babies are awesome.

      I make them out of wax and sawdust with a paper wrapper, shaped in an ice cube tray. Works great, and I've never seen any leftover blobs. I had a thread with pictures, but I'm not finding it now. It may have been sacrificed in the great thread clean up a while back.


        melted wax on cotton balls. I find it EZ to use 1-3 self-lighting briquettes. Just getting lazy in my old age.


          A long time ago, someone here said they saved the oil-soaked blue paper towels they used to clean their griddle for use as a fire starter. Whoever it was is a genius.

          I started doing this and it works very well. I keep them in a bucket with a lid. Works good in chimney starter, gravity series, vortex...whatever needs lit.



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