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Cool charcoal I just ordered

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    Cool charcoal I just ordered

    Check out the cool new charcoal I just ordered. The seller says it's Korean style charcoal. I got some because it looks cool, and also it's a lot cheaper by weight than briquets. Some of the briquets I've gotten have burned really fast, so at 5.5 lbs for $5.25 we'll see how this stuff works out. It's my first charcoal cookout of the year tomorrow and I spent today running around frantically trying to find fuel. Seems the stores don't think it's summer yet and aren't stocking it.

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    WOW! This is very cool AWESOME!


      I read the title and wondered how charcoal could be cool, but it is really cool!


        Wow, cool. That's one heck of a saw blade for small sticks, yowzers.

        Out of pure ignorance and being too lazy to Google it, what is the climate in China? Similar to USA?


          That is really cool.


            Wow, we want to see pics of that burning in the feed the flame thread!


            • Lost in China
              Lost in China commented
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              Haha, yeah, sure. Which thread exactly? I kind of get lost sometimes, this forum has a lot of sub forums and sub sub forums. I cooked chicken today with the charcoal briquets I found at a local store, and they burned too hot and too fast. After 20-25 minutes it was pretty much all over except the slow burnout. I had to finish the chicken in the oven. But it still came out well, for the first try of the year anyway. Hopefully this new charcoal burns slower so I can do some real cooking soon.

            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              Lost in China "Feed the Flame":

            Talk about going to the source for a product. Neat stuff!!!


            • Lost in China
              Lost in China commented
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              Oh, I didn't actually go there, I ordered online. These are just the photos from the seller's description. After yesterday's debacle with the charcoal, I'm eager to try anything else. Can't wait for them to get here.

            • Jerod Broussard
              Jerod Broussard commented
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              Darn it, I was dreaming of paying shipping on "confiscated" samples.

            The seller sent a few more pics when confirming my order. The first photo is giving advice on how to start the charcoal, [1] with alcohol disc starters (crap in my experience, especially placed on top of the charcoal like this), [2] place on the gas stove directly on the burner is also OK (LOL!) [3] Outdoors you can pick up some small wooden sticks, arrange into a well form, put the charcoal on top of the wood (double LOL) [4] the magic weapon, a gas charcoal lighter. The black text just gives advice that the fire needs 10-20 minutes to get ready, coals are grey, etc. I sure hope this stuff works well. That charcoal I used yesterday burned hot and fast, which I suppose is what you want when you're doing Chinese shaokao BBQ, but didn't work too well on my chicken. Kingsford Blue it ain't.
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              Charcoal arrived! I'm looking forward to using it soon. Will post more pics then!

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                Just wondering how did you build your fire for the chicken that got too hot. Minion method, Soo donut, Fuse etc?


                • Lost in China
                  Lost in China commented
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                  Just lit the charcoal in one of those towers that you light with newspaper in the bottom and poured it in the Weber when it was ready. It went fast and hot and burned out before the chicken was done.

                You need to read up on the different methods of arranging charcoal so that it burns longer. Look in techniques on this site.


                  Lost in China, have you had a chance to do a cook with the new coal? Let us know how you like it. That looks like good Kamado lump.


                  • Lost in China
                    Lost in China commented
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                    Ha ha, no, still not! It's sitting in the pile with all the other charcoal outside my door. It's been lousy weather here lately, rainy and not really suitable for a cookout. I was planning on cooking out today, and blammo, more rain last night so I had to cancel it. Turns out it didn't rain today, but how was I supposed to know that? The weather forecasts around here are a joke. I don't give a crap if it rains or not, I'll barbecue in the rain...but my guests will chicken out and not come if it even looks like it might drizzle.

                    The one time I did cook out recently (lamb from a halal butcher, maybe I'll post that story up soon), a light rain started halfway through and it was lucky we had a roofed alcove to shelter the grill. Gak.
                    Last edited by Lost in China; May 17, 2015, 02:37 AM.

                  WOW! Looks like Japanese binchotan. I have some in the garage, but wood grain is diff. When you bang them together they clink like wind chimes.



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