I was expecting the MB to be smaller as the idea is smaller and more consistent lump will fill the hopper better in the Gravity compared to large lump. Some big lump to start with!
We will see if it does better than FOGO and B&B on a long cook. Currently a hopper of lump lasts me about 8 hours at 250-270 so MB has to best that.
I just started using B & B in my large Big Green Egg and like the larger size pieces I get. I can get 20 + hours on a load in my BGE. My MiniMax can’t handle the large pieces but does well with the medium and small. I’ll be interested in the results of your comparison test since I’ve heard great things about the expensive Fogo.
My sense is my results will probably mimic Polarbear777's testing in that most quality lump beyond a certain price point perform similarly.
So if we want something really different, we need to try a different form factor like charlogs or the Brazilian hard woods.
But I like the quick start up time for lump so I may just find my favorite lump for hot and fast once I have tested the MB and use charlogs for low and slow. Now I think about it, I won't be to switch charcoals too easily so probably a no go on switching. I'd have to pull the grate and transfer it to a container which would be messy and a bit of a pain.