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    Anybody on the forum besides me use a cookshack or Fast Eddy?

    I do, Dr ROK. I have one of each!


      Letmebefrank, I don't have a FastEddy, but I love my cockshack. Surprised there hasn't been any reviews on these machines. Some of the best bbq I've ever had and so easy/consistent to use.


        They have reviews here on the Cookshacks and the Fast Eddy's, with the Fast Eddy receiving the gold award.


        • Dr ROK
          Dr ROK commented
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          Thanks Deuce,

          Guess I should have looked a bit closer. I did find the reviews. I didn't see the link at the bottom of the page I was looking at.

        I have an SM 45 that I got for an Xmas present. Has been a bit of an adjustment from my old crappy smoker. Just had to adjust technique, have it down now. Works very well...need to broaden my successes beyond pork butts. Got that down, now have to expand.


        • Dr ROK
          Dr ROK commented
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          They work like a charm. I've done salmon, trout, brisket, ribs, chicken, deer sausage, slim jims, butts, cheese, nuts, etc. Mine is an older model, but keeps on chugging along.

        • chudzikb
          chudzikb commented
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          Got a nice boston Butt out in there now. Will be done early in the A.M. taught my 16 year old daughter how to properly pull pork. She love it, so is willing to actually learn something other than the cell phone. The stomach is a great motivator. This is what I will have tomorrow night with my friends for new years eve. Some sandwiches, some pulled pork nachos, how can that be bad? Well, it can't...

        That sounds delish! Gonna do some ribs and try Meatheads last dinner recipe on Thursday, but going out to eat tomorrow night.



          Meh...was not up to my standards? Went a little further than the 203 internal temp that I shoot for from this site's advise. Hit 205 internal when I got up at 4 a.m. to check. Rousted the girl at 5 and we pulled it, some of it better, but, not as good as my last one. It was a piece of pork butt from a different source, which might account for some of the difference, but, somehow I think it was the staying too long to 205? Have you guys used any water in the smoker when using the cookshack? I know they sell a "flavor bin", which I might get now?


            Never used water in my smokette, I also usually only bring it up to about 190 - 200. Never heard of a flavor bin, what is it?


              This sir, is of which I speak...
              Has anyone bought it yet? And what were the results? Seems like you could do some interesting things with various juices and water logged spices? I think I have some 10% off coupon from cookshack from registering my smoker. My old crappy masterbuilt smoker had a small bin for water. Used to put some apple juice in there, but, never really noticed a difference?
              The other question I have is how much temp variation are you seeing during your cooks? I was seeing some temps going up to 300+ when set at 225? At least according to my 732?


                Originally posted by chudzikb View Post
                My old crappy masterbuilt smoker had a small bin for water. Used to put some apple juice in there, but, never really noticed a difference?
                My new (hopefully NOT crappy) Masterbuilt has the water bin but I have been cooking with it empty. The electrics turn over the air so slowly that they are plenty moist by themselves, even with the vent "wide open". They food has not dried out. If anything, the opposite. I thought the bark on my ribs should have been a bit crunchier.

                Originally posted by chudzikb View Post
                The other question I have is how much temp variation are you seeing during your cooks? I was seeing some temps going up to 300+ when set at 225? At least according to my 732?
                I am seeing plenty of fluctuation, more so on the downward side, especially, but not only, after I add wood and especially in the cold weather. The temp has dipped, a couple of time, about 20-25° below the set temp which makes me nervous until it starts to come back up. Again, it was pretty cold out yesterday and adding wood, even with the "no door opening" chip-loading mechanism on the Masterbuilt, undoubtedly sucks some cold outside air into the box.



                  Dew, one of the best mod's I did to my old setup was to add the external smoke generator. It is like $70, and you can generate as much smoke as you need and control much better. BAss Pro had it in stock, it was a masterbuilt designed unit, made to work with their smokers.

                  My friend was very happy to get my old "crappy" setup! Crappy is in the eye of the wallet? And besides all the wood burners look down upon us as cheating or something with the electrics. I am ok with that, as it is so much easier, and I am lazy about some things. My old setup used to drop to around 200 in the overnight cooks, I would see it and crank it up, never was quite sure whether it was the smoker or my thermometer or a combination of both. Not a warm and fuzzy feeling, not knowing what is what temp wise.

                  I always use my garage, cuts down on the wind, I will crack the door to keep the smoke down and out of the house. At some point the smoking ends, I think around 3 hours with my current cookshack, which matches what I used to do with my old masterbuilt setup. I think the science guys said not much gets absorbed smoke wise after 3 hours?

                  I use so much less wood in the cookshack, it almost makes me think I am doing something wrong? But, I guess it is better?

                  I am no master of this stuff, just learning like the rest of you...


                  • Dewesq55
                    Dewesq55 commented
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                    For some reason, I am just seeing this now, Chudzikb. Is the smoke generator you mentioned the "cold smoker" attachment for the Masterbuilt that they sell at Cabelas?


                  • chudzikb
                    chudzikb commented
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                    Yes sir, it is the stuff if you want more smoke, and the ability to precisely control the amount of smoke. You will be happy with the setup, of course till you get a cookshack! As some of my friends mentioned while eating my pork at a superbowl party, we have paid less for most of our cars...

                  Dr Rok,
                  I had used a friend's old 1999 Smokette and liked it so much, I bought an SM066 Amerique last November. Long smokes are a breeze now and I like the feature it has of lowering the grill temp to 140 to hold after either the internal probe temp or cooking time are met. Having done most of my smoking on a Weber Bullet, it's taking me some adjustment to not have to use as much wood for smoke. I'm pleased with the moistness of the stuff I've cooked on it. I did a packer CAB on it a couple days ago for the first time and was very pleased with how it came out. Even the flat was moist.


                    Yes, Steppy, they do a great job on brisket/pastrami!



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