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big green egg and pbc

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    big green egg and pbc

    I currently have large big green egg but was looking for more space and have been intrigued by the pbc. Was thinking this might be a great combo to have on hand - bge and pbc. I've done shoulder, brisket and lots of ribs on the bge, how would the quality of the cook compare between the 2?

    I smoked on an offset and turned out some really good meats, just like you mentioned.

    Then I got a PBC....and holy smokes, it still amazes me. Especially for the price.

    I had requests to cook for folks with the offset, but nothing like I get with the PBC.

    Being able to cook meat above coals that are not blazing hot is something special.
    Last edited by Jerod Broussard; August 30, 2014, 07:49 PM.


      Thanks jarod. I saw a bunch of your other posts and sounds like you are a big fan of the pbc. You have much experience with kamado style to compare to? Wondering if kamados do a good job because they seal in moisture or anything that I would miss if I switched to a pbc


        Never used a Kamado. The PBC locks in plenty moisture due to the exhaust events being on the side.


          Makes sense. Thanks for the response. Helpfull.


            Given a choice between my Kamado and my PBC, I'd take my PBC. Nowadays I use my Kamado for cooking potatoes and other veggies.


            • Christobol
              Christobol commented
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              Why the PBC preference? And why only veggies on the BGE (potatoes are veggies right?)

            • David Parrish
              David Parrish commented
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              Christobol it's mainly because I have 3 other cookers on my deck, but the PBC makes great barbecue more effortlessly than my kamado and does it faster. It also gives the meat more smoke flavor.

            • David Parrish
              David Parrish commented
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              oh, and the Kamado is great for side dishes. It comes up to temp quickly and uses fuel very efficiently.

            Looking for advice on how to cook a brisket on bge. I typically use a cookshack Amerique.


            • Mosca
              Mosca commented
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              Get your temp up to about 250*, +/- 25*, with the platesetter in. Wait, first wrap the platesetter with foil so you don't have to clean it. Then bring it up to temp. Put a drip pan under the grate, put the brisket on the grate, and wait until it hits about 200*.

            I as well have both. Had the egg for about 2 years before I got the PBC. Then stoped using the egg because the food the PBC turns out is great! Also the big reason I primarily use the PBC is fast easy set up, cook, clean, etc. But now I’m learning to incorporate using the egg more now for veggies, use it for the sear portion of a reverse sear cook, and regular charcoal grilling. So I am really glad I have both. I think the smoking results between the 2 are pretty close in comparison. You just need to get used to the PBC performance/function. It took me a while to really figure out what method worked best for me to achieve the 250-280 temp range of set it and forget it.


              Hard to go wrong with a PBC. Small footprint, large capacity, easy to use & clean, great food!


                I've never had a big green egg or anything similar. But for the price, you can't go wrong with the PBC. I have a hasty bake and a PBC and I use them and love them both. They both cook great but the PBC is so much easier to clean and I like that I can take it with me if I want on vacation or camping or whatever.


                  Kamados are great cookers but the PBC is magical and until you experience what it can do it’s difficult to explain.


                    I have a kamado joe 18" and a PBC. I find it to be a fantastic combination. They both excel at very different things. The benefit of the PBC is that its just easier to make great smoked meat faster. I made great brisket on the KJ, but it would take 16-20 hours. The air flow is just too slow, I think, when held at 225. The food usually came out great, but it would take at least one night of watching the temps. Usually, the temp would hold right where I wanted, but I've had a few times where fire went out and at least once where it got way too hot.

                    With a PBC, you can make much more food (6-8 racks of ribs easily, 2 briskets easily), it reliably comes out great, and most things take about half the time that they would on the KJ.

                    The KJ is far superior for hot searing of a steak or pizza.

                    I use both about equally.


                    • EdF
                      EdF commented
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                      They're all tools. How finely grained you want your tools to be specialized is a matter of personal taste! Q on!

                      And welcome to the Pit!

                    • Fire Art
                      Fire Art commented
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                      Yes. Welcome to the pit I luv all my cookers

                    For quality of results, if I had either one (I have a BGE) I wouldn't get the other. But if you want more capacity, that is a different consideration. I agree that the LBGE sets a hard limit, size wise. I supplemented mine with a 22" Weber. This past summer I did more grilling than I did smoking, and used the Weber about 80% of the time; what a great cooker!



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