Getting very excited to participate in my first serious BBQ competition. The Plant City Pig Jam is Nov. 21 & 22. Plant City is just east of Tampa.
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My brother is flying from Indy to help. He is from AZ but will be coming from the birth of his first grandchild. He has competed before and also took Harry Soo's class with his wife. He also sprung for a wagyu brisket from Snake River Farms. We are competing in the backyard division.
I plan on doing Last Meal ribs for the rib portion of the comp. Still discussing the other meats with my brother. He just sent me a 18'5" WSM and I am seasoning it now via the Harry Soo way. Going to cook a picnic ham next weekend for family. Will also be using my 22'5" Weber kettle and my trailer cooker. Will be cooking 4 butts; one for the competition and the others to sell.
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My brother is flying from Indy to help. He is from AZ but will be coming from the birth of his first grandchild. He has competed before and also took Harry Soo's class with his wife. He also sprung for a wagyu brisket from Snake River Farms. We are competing in the backyard division.
I plan on doing Last Meal ribs for the rib portion of the comp. Still discussing the other meats with my brother. He just sent me a 18'5" WSM and I am seasoning it now via the Harry Soo way. Going to cook a picnic ham next weekend for family. Will also be using my 22'5" Weber kettle and my trailer cooker. Will be cooking 4 butts; one for the competition and the others to sell.