What are the typical entry fees for a BBQ competition. I'm thinking about one like the Citrus Center Boys and Girls Club in Winter Haven Smoke on the Water Competition.
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Entry Fees For BBQ Competition
You can get more info here: http://boysandgirlsbbq.com/
They don't have prices up yet for 2016 but it is a Florida BBQ Association event, not a KCBS event. Rules are slightly different. I have competed in a FLBBQA event and the entry fee was around $150 for the early backyard division entry. Some are more expensive and some are slightly less.
The FLBBQA site is http://floridabbqassociation.org/
Plant City does a nice event in November (The Plant City Pig Jam) and is a KCBS event. Their entry fee is $125 for the backyard division
I competed in the Pig Jam last year and got 2nd place (first loser) in brisket in the Backyard division.
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