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Netflix BBQ Series

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    Netflix BBQ Series

    I found a couple of interesting (to me) BBQ programs on Netflix. The first is a 4 part series called 'Chef's Table BBQ' that highlights 4 individuals and their cooking styles and accomplishments.

    The other program is called 'The American Barbeque Showdown' and is a competition of folks from around the country that are given a different cooking task in each segment and a time limit to finish the task. A winner is declared and one contestant is sent home. I watched segment one last night. I'm curious if any of you have watched this series and have recognized if any of the contestants or judges are members of our esteemed PITMASTER CLUB.

    I saw the American BBQ Showdown listed on Netflix last night. Looks interesting.

    I did watch the second episode of Chef’s Table yesterday - found it fascinating! Loved seeing how the chef only used open fire to cook, cook everything! Really enjoyed that and the fact he knew what he wanted to do and wouldn’t give in until he found what he felt was going to be the proper set up to carry out his vision.


    • Parkin
      Parkin commented
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      Lennox Hastie! Man I loved that episode!! I've been eying a Lone Star Grills Santa Maria ever since.

    Anyone else get 500 text messages about this series from friends and family. LOL

    It is awesome though. Check it out.

    I love this line from the. show.....

    "Texas BBQ isn't about some secret rub that you concoct, the secret is about the Pitmaster."



    • Sweaty Paul
      Sweaty Paul commented
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      I got one text. Apparently my friends don't know me! 😀

    I haven't seen the American BBQ Showdown yet, but we watched all 4 episodes of the Chef's Table and found them fascinating. I was inspired by the passion each of them brought to their craft. We also started watching the Taco Chronicles. There's so much more to tacos than I ever thought. I love learning about the connection between food and culture.


    • Potkettleblack
      Potkettleblack commented
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      No hearing, means you read all the movies, regardless of the language.

      If you want an English language show about tacos, Rick Bayless has 11 seasons. Not remotely the same though. Your mileage will vary, but I think you're missing out.

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      dubob - Being hard of hearing, I watch EVERYTHING with subtitles/closed captioning on. If I can't read what they're saying, I miss at least half of the content.

    • dubob
      dubob commented
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      Gotcha Dewesq55.

    Watched and enjoyed, especially the first one in Texas.


    • dubob
      dubob commented
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      Yes - Tootsie is an absolute hoot. ❤

    I tried watching the American Challenge but I couldn't find a stream to download. I'm not sure if it's available yet.


      Ok based on this thread I tried it out. Episode 1 of "Chef's Table BBQ", featuring Tootsie Tomanetz, is the single most incredible, touching, and beautiful BBQ feature I have ever seen.

      Thank you dubob .


      • dubob
        dubob commented
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        You're welcome! She is a real treasure for sure.

      I didn't enjoy The American BBQ Showdown. It reminded me of some sort scripted reality cooking or survivor show. It was flashy, loud, everyone was jumping around, joking and seemed like people were putting on a show for the camera. It was just too much going on for my brain to follow. I BBQ to relax and be silent.

      But I can see how some people would like it.

      I loved Chef's Table BBQ especially the story of Rodney Scott and seeing his son follow in his footsteps.

      I also recently discovered Aaron Franklin masterclass and I enjoy that also.
      Last edited by 101Airborne; September 20, 2020, 07:50 PM.


      • steve_woolston
        steve_woolston commented
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        I wholeheartedly agree. It was too contrived. I don't care about a game show. I want people to cook and share what they know. My daughter said it was a lame ripoff of Chopped. One episode and done.

      • RolanK
        RolanK commented
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      • TheQuietOne
        TheQuietOne commented
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        BBQ Showdown was to much showdown and not enough BBQ. I was hoping for a new season of BBQ with Franklin on PBS. I haven't seen anything on it so I don't think it's happening.

      Originally posted by 101Airborne View Post
      I didn't enjoy The American BBQ Showdown. It reminded me of some sort scripted reality cooking or survivor show. It was flashy, loud, everyone was jumping around, joking and seemed like people were putting on a show for the camera. It was just too much going on for my brain to follow. I BBQ to relax and be silent.

      But I can see how some people would like it.

      I loved Chef's Table BBQ especially the story of Rodney Scott and seeing his son follow in his footsteps.

      I also recently discovered Aaron Franklin masterclass and I enjoy that also.
      The American BBQ Showdown looks like a, or maybe the same, show I had watched years ago. Myron Mixon was on it and some ex-pro NFL player. I watched a few episodes and just hated it. Seemed contrived and scripted. I will check the show out at some point, but I have extremely low expectations.


        Gotta watch them both now. I have seen them listed and will surely take a look.


          Norma "Tootsie" Tomanetz is the real deal, pure D Texas through and through. She and Kerry, her fellow pitmaster and owner of Snow's, have to be the most patient people in the world. I had the pleasure of meeting them both last December and documented the visit here.

          Last edited by gcdmd; September 21, 2020, 07:30 AM. Reason: Punctuation correction


          • dubob
            dubob commented
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            Went to your link. WOW! What a great road trip. Great food and meeting a BBQ Rock Star all in one. I'm VERY envious. 😁

          • fzxdoc
            fzxdoc commented
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            Great link. Thanks!


          I watched all of "Salt Fat Acid Heat" and thought it was pretty good. Several of the other mentioned are on my list to watch. I don't care much for the "Competition Type" shows...they seem rehearsed to me but can be entertaining sometimes.


            I would still be interested in knowing if any of the contestants on the BBQ Showdown series are members on PITMASTER CLUB. And I can appreciate that the show won't float everybody's boat. It's produced for NETFLIX, so yes, it is going to be very much like the 'reality' shows we see on broadcast TV. I would judge the show to be entertaining vs instructional and with new programing in short supply this year due to COVID, I'm watching more and more AMAZON & NETFLIX programs. I finished watching the Aaron Franklin series a week or so ago and found it humorous and instructional enough to know that I have no desire to be a stick burner - too darn much work.


            • N227GB
              N227GB commented
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              I don't have Netflix but what would you recommend on Amazon Prime Video?

            • dubob
              dubob commented
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              Sign into your account; select PRIME VIDEO tab at the top; search for 'bbq shows prime' at the top. Shows 41 pages of cooking related videos with almost all on Page 1 being BBQ related. I didn't look past that first page. I really enjoyed the Aaron Franklin series - he's a hoot to watch. 😁

            Lots of interesting suggestions. With baseball winding down (at least for my Tigers) I'll need something to watch to get me through the cold, dark winter. Nothing perks me up quite as much as watching people cook and enjoy food.


              After watching a few episodes of Netflix’s Chef’s Table my thermometer registered it A+ and wrapped it into a must see category for anyone who likes to eat food, cook food, or has an inquisitive curiosity about food history. The series secret sauce is the self told life’s stories of the Chef’s featured sharing the personal fuel that fired their passion for cooking. This is the rare program when well done leaves you craving more.


              • bak01
                bak01 commented
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                Great comment!


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