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Must have accessories for Primo XL

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    Must have accessories for Primo XL

    I recently sold my WSM 22 and would like to get some accessories for my Primo XL. I see that alot of people recommend the kick ash basket and catcher. Are there any other things that you would recommend having? Thanks for the help with spending my money!

    I just go with the basics--deflector plates and a fire box divider. But you probably have those already.


      The only extra thing I have bought so far for the Akorn is a small grill grate that will fit on the diffuser shelf so I can get closer to the fire for searing.


        I suggest getting..........well a PBC.


        TS8000 Torch. With the Yellow MAPP tank.

        This is the best way to light lump or briquettes. And you can really pinpoint where you light the lump, especially for the indirect functionality of the Primo XL.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	Bernzomatic_TS8000_torch_01.jpg Views:	0 Size:	70.7 KB ID:	1129349


          I have deflectors which are indispensable, a firebox divider, and an expansion rack. I would like to someday get stainless steel grates.


            Expansion rack, for sure. Bison lighter. My daughter gave me one for my birthday and I love it!


            • jpietrantone
              jpietrantone commented
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              Thunder77 I'm definitely leaning to the expansion rack. I could see uses for both smoking and grilling.

            When I had my Primo, I much preferred the KAB divider than the cast iron version that came with it. In my mind, the KAB was less likely to crack my firebox. They’re terrific cookers but man are they heavy.


              deflector is the only thing I have felt was "needed" so far. I will say one thing I bought after a while was a cheap ash vacuum to clean it out. I've found that surprisingly handy.

              Adding - I did buy a smokey Joe to use as my sear machine for when I reverse sear a steak.
              Last edited by xaugievike; November 21, 2021, 09:15 AM.


                So au4stree brings up a good point. My cast iron divider base is the original old design and is showing signs of rusting and possible warping. Should I replace with the new design or get the kick ash basket?


                • au4stree
                  au4stree commented
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                  I’m as guilty as the next guy when it comes to accessories, I’d just bank the coals rather than bother with the divider again. But that KAB was super nice, my grill burned better when it was in there.

                • jpietrantone
                  jpietrantone commented
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                  au4stree works for me. Thanks!

                For me so far just the deflector plates. In fact it should not even be an "accessory." No low and slow without them. Not specific to the Primo an electronic controller is a must have imho. Let’s you sleep all night when doing a brisket or pork butt.



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