I purchased a primo large from one of my neighbors about 4 months ago. I enjoy cooking on it. However, I have had an issue with using it for briskets.
​​​​​I use a fireboard drive as my temp controller and run my temp at 250.
To start it I light a starter cube in the middle of the firebox and let it go for 5-10 minutes on top of the coals. Then close the lid until I get to about 200-225 with the top and bottom vents open. I then hook up the fireboard drive controller and let it get me to 250-275. At this point everything is going good so I put my brisket on.
My problem is that when I come back to check on it 5 hours later the right side of the primo is way over 250 and the left side is way under. The middle still reads 250 but my flat which is on the right side of the grill is already hurdling through the stall while my point is still just at 150.
Has anyone else had this issue with their primo? Any advice would really be appreciated. This is the second brisket I have had this problem on. I figured the first time maybe I had an airflow problem on the left side or overfilled my firebox with lump. But for this cook I cleaned the entire grill out, did not add too much lump for sure and I am still having this issue.
​​​​​I use a fireboard drive as my temp controller and run my temp at 250.
To start it I light a starter cube in the middle of the firebox and let it go for 5-10 minutes on top of the coals. Then close the lid until I get to about 200-225 with the top and bottom vents open. I then hook up the fireboard drive controller and let it get me to 250-275. At this point everything is going good so I put my brisket on.
My problem is that when I come back to check on it 5 hours later the right side of the primo is way over 250 and the left side is way under. The middle still reads 250 but my flat which is on the right side of the grill is already hurdling through the stall while my point is still just at 150.
Has anyone else had this issue with their primo? Any advice would really be appreciated. This is the second brisket I have had this problem on. I figured the first time maybe I had an airflow problem on the left side or overfilled my firebox with lump. But for this cook I cleaned the entire grill out, did not add too much lump for sure and I am still having this issue.