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Temporary Home for Primo Junior

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    Temporary Home for Primo Junior

    I feel that since I have shown my successes here on AR, I should also show my near success as well. ( Translation: I failed.)
    I was in a hurry to get a stand or table done for Junior for Memorial Day, and I was trying to keep with my philosophy of "use what you have." So this is the result. It is sturdy, but a bit ugly, and the construction is not my best. But I guess it is better than Junior sitting on my deck!😜 I would not normally use treated lumber, but I had it on hand so….

    The top is leftover deck board pieces from when I built the deck. Any comments/criticisms are welcome.
    Attached Files

    Other than seeing a PBC sitting next to that nice setup I've got nothing.


      Looks pretty darn good to me! Smoke on!


        I couldn’t do half that good of a job! But since you asked, I have 2 questions. Why didn’t you butt the top shelf board pieces up against each other? Normally exposed wood will shrink over time, causing the current gap between them to become even wider. Myself, I’d like more of a flat surface without the gaps. I do understand though, that could just be personal preference.

        Why wouldn’t you want to use treated lumber? It will last longer and won’t rot near as fast as untreated. After new treated lumber has been exposed to the elements for a few months and has undergone any shrinkage that will occur, the only thing I’d consider is painting it all to match. But still, good job on the construction!

        P.S. That isn’t ugly at all. I think it looks darn good.

        EDIT: Just re-read your post. If this is a temporary home, forget my questions.
        Last edited by Panhead John; June 22, 2021, 07:53 PM.


        • Thunder77
          Thunder77 commented
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          I wanted to use cedar or cypress, since treated lumber has a tendency to twist and warp after a while in the elements.

        • Thunder77
          Thunder77 commented
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          I may replace the top with cypress at some point. The top is actually composite deck boards, so I needed to leave expansion room. (Or so I thought.) I need to get a longer piece to fit the front properly.

        Me thinks yer to critical of yerself. Perfection, no, good job - you betcha & it works. 👍


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          In Kings English:
          The gentleman from the southern region of Winnebago believes you may parlay too much criticism upon yourself. Has your project reached the height of perfection that you desired? The happenstance of this connundrum is that it appears perfectly fine for your use and that you've done a fairly decent employment of skills to get it done and and make it operate as needed. Cheers, good Sir!

        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          latenight71 Yup!

        It looks like it will get the job done. There’ plenty of work space on the table and storage space under the shelf.


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          LA Pork Butt Just noticed you grew up in NO. My dad was born and raised there. He graduated from Fortier HS in '56 then did Army boot camp in Mississippi. Went to LSU and also worked on an offshore rig for Freeport Sulpher for a couple years before he moved to California in 1960.

        • LA Pork Butt
          LA Pork Butt commented
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          latenight71 Small world! My father-in-law graduated from Fortier in the early 40s and I graduated from rival Warren Easton HS and LSUNO now called the University of New Orleans.

        I love using on hand materials. It's not always the pinterest version that you envisioned but it works and looks good. I still kick myself over mild imperctions that don't really matter but fact of the matter is you now have a sweet work area around your 'Q! And that's pretty darn cool!


          It looks great fer a temp. home, and it gets the job done.


            looks good enough to be permanent to me


            • Thunder77
              Thunder77 commented
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            Are you kidding me?!? How could you build that and not at the very least use locking dovetails on the stretchers? Please don't even get me started on the exposed fasteners on the top. Did you lose your pocket hole jig? I won't even mention the Ray Charles school of grain matching you obviously attended.

            All kidding aside, we are usually our fiercest critics. Your eye gets drawn to every perceived flaw there is, while the rest of us just see a perfectly functional and not at all unattractive solution to your problem. Call it a win, and keep the smoke rolling.


              I really wanted to do mortise and tenon joints for the legs, but I just did not have the time. This may stick around for a while. You know, sort of temporary becomes permanent. 😂


                I feel you did a great job, and with today's lumber prices, consider yourself lucky you already had the wood on hand.


                  The Jrs are awesome! Great pick up! Nice build to.


                  • Thunder77
                    Thunder77 commented
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                    I was very fortunate to find the Junior on Craigslist for $100 used, with the heat deflectors, and the extended cooking grate. I installed new gasket, and charcoal grate.

                  • Spinaker
                    Spinaker commented
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                    Wow, that is a steal. Thunder77


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