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Pizza on primo

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    Pizza on primo

    Still working on this, came out pretty good using caste iron pans and the primo xl. Cheese slide off after kids bit into it, but they enjoyed it. Good start.
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    Beer and Pizza, Oh my. Not on my low-carb diet, but rules are to be broken, right?
    And there goes mu A1C.


      I don’t cook enough pizza to have perfected it but I’ve loved what I’ve made on my primo. Good job.

      If you decide you want to deep dive check out this site:

      Converting the Primo into a brick oven isn’t hard bc you can get the temps waay up there. The trick is to get the pizza stone high in the dome so you can cook the top as fast as the crust. Leoparding if I remember correctly is the term. Anyway, it’s a worthy endeavor. Good luck!!


      • Micahchaney
        Micahchaney commented
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        Great link, trying this on friday.

      • JCBBQ
        JCBBQ commented
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        Micahchaney 2 things: 1. If you’re cooking on Friday, you gotta make the dough on Thursday...some of "us" neglected to read the recipe before embarking 🙄 2. 00 pizza dough is made for high temps -ie 800 degrees +. If you’re not using double aught dough, cook at a lower temp bc regular dough will burn. Don’t ask me how I know that...😳

      • Bama Grill
        Bama Grill commented
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        Agree with getting the pizza up higher in the dome. I would stack bricks up to place my pizza stone on top and let her rip! Cooked the best pizza I've ever cooked in my Primo.

        My best pizza dough success was by using Jim Lahey's recipe and technique for no-knead pizza dough. I'll try to post the video I go to for this, but have never posted a link here. Hope it works.

      very delicious.


        Nice Micahchaney ! Pizza on a kamado is wonderful IMO. Just keep at it until you get "your desired" results! Good job.


          I gave up on the pizza stone. Being divorced with 5 kids from the age of 11 to 3 bouncing around, i have broken 2 of them. Hard to break caste iron and results have been good to start.

          Any recommendations on how to keep the cheese from sliding off when you start to eat it?


          • JCBBQ
            JCBBQ commented
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            Yes! Use less cheese.


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