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WSM grate temps - different?

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    WSM grate temps - different?

    I am smoking a 12 pound brisket tomorrow in my 14.5 WSM. I am going to have to cut the brisket in half and utilize both grates in this little cooker. Does anybody know which grate has higher temps? I want to put the point end on the hotter grate and the flat portion on the cooler grate for obvious reasons. I would research it on my own but I am really short on time between now and tomorrow's cook. I am hoping that someone in the pit already has this information in the ole noggin and can dispense with it quickly and easily.

    I would suggest you only trim enough off the flat to make it fit the grate. The more equal the size of a brisket end to end and side to side the easier and more consistent it cooks.


      The top grate should be the hottest since heat rises


        The top grate will be hotter as stated. You may have a temp difference of at least 50 degrees less in the lower grate. That's what I've seen with a 22.5 kettle. Still, you will need probes on both grates as cookers vary.

        Also, I think Red has a very good point.

        Good luck!



          Here is part of what I posted about a month ago regarding a brisket on a WSM 18.5.

          I started with a 13lb whole brisket and after trimming, ended up separating the point (4lb) and flat (6lb) due to the size of the whole not fitting in the WSM 18.5. I put a 50/50 salt/pepper rub (recommended by Franklin) on the night before and injected with just beef broth in the morning. Briskets went on at 6:30 am at 230 using Kingsford Blue and a mix of Mesquite and Hickory chunks. At 11am, both hit 167 at which time I crutched with a little beef broth. The point finished about 1:30 and the flat about 2:40. Wrapped both in towels and the cooler until 5:30. Sliced as Meathead recommends. They were both very tender. The point passed the pull test a little easier than the flat as expected but the meat did not fall apart while cutting.


          • Medusa
            Medusa commented
            Editing a comment
            Great Post!


          • jlazar
            jlazar commented
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            Forgot to mention in original post. I put flat on bottom grate and point on top (although point weighed less) due to point being thicker and top grate being hotter. Usually a 10-15 degree difference between the two grates at startup but seems to converge the longer I cook. When cooking pieces of a similar thickness (ribs), I rotate halfway through the cook. Set my Digiq to manage top grate at desired temp. Monitor meat temps with Digiq at one level and Maverick 732 at the other.

          It's about 15 degrees difference in the 14.5.


            I have found there is a about 10 degree difference in the 18" WSM, with the upper grate being hotter. I have a WSM with an extra mid section and the difference between the lowest to the highest (4th grate up) is around 15 degrees


            • Medusa
              Medusa commented
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              Very interesting temp differences with the 14.5 / 18 WSM compared to the kettle. Glad Ernest and FLBuckeye could provide accurate info!

            • Dilla
              Dilla commented
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              Hello FLBuckeye, where did you get the extra mid section. I have an 18.5 WSM as well and would like to do the same?

            • FLBuckeye
              FLBuckeye commented
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              Dilla I got the WSM on craigslist from a fellow pit member. He also had another mid section he had received from the store where he bought it (I think he thought he had a problem with the one that came with it but it was fine after a few cooks). He also included the Cajun Bandit hinge plus some gaskets. Great deal for $150. I bought the CB door and have been good to go. Look around at for some cool ideas and mods

            Thank you all!

            I will put the point end on top. The Pit rocks! To be able to get this kind of information on such short notice...


              JeffJ don't forget to post pics of the cook


                Yes, we like pictures. Sometime last year, I stayed up all night and posted a video play by play on a wagyu brisket I did. Don't remember the name of the thread, but I was half drunk and it was somewhat entertaining LOL.


                • Huskee
                  Huskee commented
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                  I remember that video series! I didn't know you were imbibing!

                • Chriscrna
                  Chriscrna commented
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                  I thought BBQ and imbibing were synonymous

                The brisket turned out great. I will be posting pics on the 'show us what you are cooking' thread.



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