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14lb Packer Brisket Just Because

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    14lb Packer Brisket Just Because

    Had some friends over for a BBQ and decided to do a whole packer brisket. I live north of NYC, so I drove to the Hunts Point Meat Market where all of the wholesalers are located and picked up a 14-pounder. Got it home safely, as you can see from the pic, and did an overnight cook in order to serve it for lunch. Smoked it whole on the grate rather than slicing it up and hanging it in sections. Used the Kingsford blue bag and hickory chunks. Ended up being an 11-hour cook (wrapped in butcher paper after about six hours). Managed to get about four hours of sleep once things seemed to be holding steady. Temp was between 255 and 270 for most of the cook. Held it in a faux Cambro (Brute cooler with fantastic seal/insulation) about two hours and then sliced it up. Moist, great bark, fantastic smoke ring. Just wish packers were easier to come by in the Northeast and that brisket prices would go back down!
    Last edited by mikebarish; July 13, 2015, 07:24 PM.

    Awesome Pics... funny!

    I could never figure out why they so hard to get back there.... easy here in the west.


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      Yeah, I can get bone-in shoulders here, as well as ribs, pretty easily. Beef ribs and whole packers are a bit more challenging and require early morning trips to the wholesalers.

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      Packers are crazy hard to find here in the NE

    Can you get in a HOV lane with a brisket buckled up?


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      That was always the plan!

    Looks terrific, I can still get packers at Sam's and even Walmart, but all of the butchers only carry the flats.


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      Where do you live? I wonder if the Walmart by me has packers. Thanks!

    • _John_
      _John_ commented
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      Arkansas, home of Walmart. The ones near me have non-graded but the few that I have tried I have liked just fine, babied them a bit.

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      None at Walmart or Sam's around me (Central NJ and NEPA). BJ's only has whole flats.


    That is rockin!


      Dewesq55 What the heck is in the meat dept at your Sam's?


        Chuckies, Pork butts, ribs, some flats, whole pork loins, I think some steaks.


          Mike- I live in Brooklyn and have had some luck just at the meat counter of the grocery store (Foodtown in my case). They carry cut-up brisket on the shelves for sale, but if I ask the butcher and it's available he (or she) will go into the back and pull out the whole packer for me. They can also tell me when they are expecting the next shipment so I can be sure to show up before they take their knives to it. Anyway, I suggest you try talking to your friendly grocery store meat counter person and see if they can show you the love.


          • mikebarish
            mikebarish commented
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            Not a bad idea - Thanks! Appreciate the advice.


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