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Cleaning the PBC?

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    Cleaning the PBC?

    I've been using my PBC for a little over a year and it's built up a bit of grease and residue. I would never use water/products to clean it, but I'm wondering if I could just get the temp on it high enough to just burn everything off. Has anyone tried this?

    Any tips/suggestions for getting the PBC up to a high enough temp to clean itself out? I'm assuming opening the damper fully and leaving the rods out would up the oxygen intake and spike the temperature. The bottom of the lid could use a cleaning, so I'd prefer to keep the lid on, but I imagine keeping it slightly ajar would help increase the temp, as well.

    I put the grate and rods on my propane grill and closed the lid yesterday to clean them off. Everything burned off nicely.

    I'm not looking to do this regularly, but would like to maintain it a couple of times a year, if possible. Would appreciate any advice or suggestions. Thanks!

    Nawww... heating does not help... ya gotta nuke it.

    I let my set in the sun for awhile then hit it with ammonia... ala Jon Solberg


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      Does leaving it out in the sun do much? Seen any damage to the finish from the ammonia? I have the powder coated PBC and have been reluctant to use anything abrasive on it. Thanks, smarkley and Jon Solberg!

    • smarkley
      smarkley commented
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      my problem area is the lid and gunk build up around it... I set it in the sun to warm that up so I can even get the lid off! Hahahaha!

      I have the powder coated too ... Have not noticed any corrosion although I do not clean the outside with it.

    I scrubbed mine with a nylon brush and hit with a power washer, I figure anything left really wants to be there.


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      Thanks! No damage to the PBC from the brush and power washer treatments? The PBC folks are pretty adamant that you shouldn't wash or rinse the drum.

    • _John_
      _John_ commented
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      Nah it wont hurt them, nylon is what they use for toothbrushes and nail brushes. It cleans of the chunks without being abrasive. I spray mine down and then light a fire in it not long after, dries it out real good so there is no rust.

    I allow excess heat from an already severely lit basket to do the cleaning. The dirtier mine got, the more requests I got for "Hooked on 'Q' BBQ"

    If you leave the lid on, crack it open, that will bring the heat.

    Where you been Mike??????????? How's the little one?


    • mikebarish
      mikebarish commented
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      Thanks, Jerod Broussard! Do you find that getting the basket going super hot actually burns anything off? _John_ mentioned using a nylon brush and power washer, but I'm nervous about using anything on the PBC lest I end up damaging it.

      Been busy and just plum forgot to post about a few cooks I did this spring. The kiddo is doing great, thank you for asking. Eight months old and has started trying small pieces of 'cue! How are you?
      Last edited by mikebarish; July 13, 2015, 05:54 PM.


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