I'm three cooks in with my PBC. I'm still not used to not fiddlin' when cookin' like I did with my COS. I have charted pit temps, and food temps where practical. I followed all the great advice here to get higher temps for the chicken, but let the pit "do it's thing" with the boneless beef short ribs and pork baby backs.
So far I've learned that it's not hard maintaining a higher temp, but once that temp spikes it pretty much stays there. My pit tends to run right around 270 - 280 when run "standard". I've learned not to peek because when i do the temp spikes and stays at the spiked temp. Temp probe solves that issue except for ribs, but ribs can be timed as I do keep an eye on pit temp and chart temps just so I know when the ribs will be done based on time/temp.
The chicken turned out great, the pork ribs great as well. I haven't been able to find whole racks of short ribs prior to being cut down unless I want to pay a stupid price for them at Whole Foods. I have a couple of butcher shops I'm going to check out in Santa Monica, but the lack of butcher shops close to me in West Los Angeles is simply appalling. I can always go to Farmers Market up on 3rd, but parking is a problem. Ugg. My shorties were just slightly overdone as I didn't wrap them. Next time I try them I will take them down and wrap them to finish them, then let them sit in a cooler for an hour or so. They tasted fantastic, but were just slightly dry and not as tender as I like.
Anyway, pics!! First cook was Chicken. I tried the PBC AP rub:

Second cook was the beef shorties. Used MeatHead's beef rub (love this stuff):

Third cook pork baby backs (MeatHeads Memphis Dust - this stuff ROCKS):
I LIED. I uploaded pics from my iPhone to PC, but it won't upload the pics to this site. Sez they are invalid format. Sigh. And I've already deleted them from my phone. They uploaded to FB from my phone fine, but I can't get 'em to upload here. If I can figure it out, I'll post 'em. Otherwise I think I'll use my 35mm from now on. Better pics at the very least.
Edit: Actually the pics got uploaded to a post i made in a different thread. Don't know why I can' upload them here.. Can't even get them via the url to the post I made.
So far I've learned that it's not hard maintaining a higher temp, but once that temp spikes it pretty much stays there. My pit tends to run right around 270 - 280 when run "standard". I've learned not to peek because when i do the temp spikes and stays at the spiked temp. Temp probe solves that issue except for ribs, but ribs can be timed as I do keep an eye on pit temp and chart temps just so I know when the ribs will be done based on time/temp.
The chicken turned out great, the pork ribs great as well. I haven't been able to find whole racks of short ribs prior to being cut down unless I want to pay a stupid price for them at Whole Foods. I have a couple of butcher shops I'm going to check out in Santa Monica, but the lack of butcher shops close to me in West Los Angeles is simply appalling. I can always go to Farmers Market up on 3rd, but parking is a problem. Ugg. My shorties were just slightly overdone as I didn't wrap them. Next time I try them I will take them down and wrap them to finish them, then let them sit in a cooler for an hour or so. They tasted fantastic, but were just slightly dry and not as tender as I like.
Anyway, pics!! First cook was Chicken. I tried the PBC AP rub:
Second cook was the beef shorties. Used MeatHead's beef rub (love this stuff):
Third cook pork baby backs (MeatHeads Memphis Dust - this stuff ROCKS):
I LIED. I uploaded pics from my iPhone to PC, but it won't upload the pics to this site. Sez they are invalid format. Sigh. And I've already deleted them from my phone. They uploaded to FB from my phone fine, but I can't get 'em to upload here. If I can figure it out, I'll post 'em. Otherwise I think I'll use my 35mm from now on. Better pics at the very least.
Edit: Actually the pics got uploaded to a post i made in a different thread. Don't know why I can' upload them here.. Can't even get them via the url to the post I made.