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PBC USAF Edition......set up and first cook

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    PBC USAF Edition......set up and first cook

    So, my PBC came Friday and I had full intentions of getting a cook in on Saturday, but the steady rains kept me away. But today I decided to give it a go. I received the United States Air Force Edition. It was packed well, no issues with damage, everything looked as it should. I decided to cook a couple of pork butts, 13 lbs. worth for my first attempt. Dry brined over night and rubbed them down with Memphis dust. Made up some Wilburs East Carolina Sauce which is basically vinegar, red pepper and black pepper and some of Meathead's Hollerin Sauce where I used bourbon as my base. I opened the vent between 1/4 and 1/2, used lighter fluid for this run and gave it a 20 minute burn before I hung the meat. At 15 minutes the coals didn't look like they had asked over as well as I wanted so I tossed in some hickory chunks and gave it an additional 5 or 6 minutes. The temp didnt spike out as high as some, but once it settled, it ran at 285 for the first hour of the cook......and that's where I'm at now. My plan is to take them to about 170, wrap them and take them the rest of the way from there.
    Last edited by TheBigLebowski; May 19, 2015, 05:21 PM.

    Sounds perfect, new grill looks great!


      So, 4 hours in and I'm ready to pull and wrap. Seriously, I've touched the grill twice in 4 hours because the temp started dropping. The second time after I cracked the lid i didn't seat the lid all the way back down. That let my temp settle out at 280.

      When I pulled the butts to wrap them i fiddle around to long with the lid off and it let my temps shoot up. I sealed the lid back on and in about 15 minutes the temps were back in my range.


        I pulled the pork butts at 6 hours and 30 minutes give or take, with an internal temp of 205. Two bone in pork butts with total weight of 13 lbs. I wrapped at 4 hours 15 minutes with temp of 163. Temps stayed right around 275-280. I touched the grill 3 times. I let the meat rest wrapped for an hour before I pulled the meat. So total time was 7 1/2 hours. The only thing different I did was wait another 5 or 10 at the beginning because the coals didn't look like they were well lit. Below is a pick of my remaining charcoal after the cook.
        Last edited by TheBigLebowski; May 17, 2015, 06:37 PM.


        • TheBigLebowski
          TheBigLebowski commented
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          More fluid it is.....but it really was an easy cook.

        • pittkappasig
          pittkappasig commented
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          knew you wouldnt be upset, dude.

          next time skip that crutch and give yourself like 9-10 hrs in the PBC... it seems like forever when it starts to stall and its excruciating but that little barrel never disappoints!!!

        • TheBigLebowski
          TheBigLebowski commented
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          Right on about skipping the crutch. It took 4 1/2 to get in the 160's.....I wonder if another 5 hours would have gotten me above 200.

        Huh... Was that a special edition? I didn't see it for sale anywhere.


        • TheBigLebowski
          TheBigLebowski commented
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          If you order from the PBC website and let them know you were/are military, they will affix the insignia from the branch that you served. Proceeds from the sale are donated to Folds of Honor.

        • Drbearsec
          Drbearsec commented
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          Ah ok... I didn't serve but would have bought a different edition to further help the causes


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