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Seahawk Q for Sunday

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    Seahawk Q for Sunday

    Getting ready for the Seahawk game on Sunday. Got an 8.3 lb bone-in PB dry brining, and a couple of chickens waiting for attention.

    The game starts early here on the left coast, so the PB is going into the PBC midday Saturday, and I'll do the chickens Sunday AM.

    The PB will be done using MMD and hung intact in the barrel, and I'm going to try moving it to the rack at some point, unwrapped. Just to experiment.

    I kinda have to work around care-taker duty, my wife is on her tenth day of recovery after a total hip replacement, but I'm bored and I need to cook something !

    Hope your wife is recovering quickly! Please keep us posted with the prime rib post. I'm planning on getting a PBC and am definitely interested in how this turns out!


    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      Second on the best wishes to your wife for a full and speedy recovery.

      @Dr. ROK, I think he said a pork butt, not a prime rib roast, unless that was in a different thread.

    Best wishes to the bride Bruce.


      Best wishes! I can relate as I am rehabbing my wife too. She had a total knee replacement back in December. This isn't our first rodeo as she had the first one replaced about a year and a half ago. Good luck with the cook and Go Seahawks!!!


        Thinking about a pork butt myself. Doing chuck roast today, and I have some Andouille and hot Italian sausages ready for today or tomorrow. Not sure what i'm gonna do with em, maybe some Jambalaya. Jambalaya was sounding really good, temps were below freezing all week and then BOOM! 60 today and tomorrow.


          A lovely day for a cook! Raining like crazy, trying to keep the lid of the PBC from overflowing inside as it's cracked a bit to keep temps up to about 270.

          5 hours in, I've cracked the lid twice to send the temps up into the 325-330 range, then let them drop back to 260. IT has just gone past 165, so maybe I'm powering right past the stall.
          Last edited by BruceB; January 17, 2015, 08:42 PM.


            are you putting a little cheese on that butt


              Wish your wife a quick recovery...go Packers


                This cook came to an abrupt end !!

                At just about 7 hours in, with the pork butt IT just about 183, the danged thing fell off the hooks!

                I got a sudden low pit temperature alert, the 732 pit probe was hanging against the side of the barrel, and the big lump was laying in the coal basket.

                Chinese fire drill started - get the rebar out, find a long hook to grab the coal basket handle at the perfect balance point, and get the thing out on the deck. I used the bear claws to get the lump onto a sheet tray and into the house, and the basket back in the pit barrel.

                It was still smoldering in the house, until I removed the half-dozen coals stuck to the bottom and sent them outside.

                I had to cut off quite a bit of bark on one side, and got the pieces into foil, and they are now finishing in the oven.

                Arrrrgh !

                I hope this isn't an omen for the game tomorrow.
                Last edited by BruceB; January 18, 2015, 09:15 AM.


                • Papa Bob
                  Papa Bob commented
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                  once again throw a little CHEESE on it. Talked to my son this morning he is doing 2 beer can chickens and 2 spares in Marysville or I guess its Lake Stevens now.

                • BruceB
                  BruceB commented
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                  Didn't need any CHEESE thanks anyway.


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